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MongoEngine: How to see the generated query

Last updated: February 10, 2024


MongoEngine, a Document-Object Mapper (DOM) for working with MongoDB from Python, simplifies the task of working with MongoDB documents through Pythonic objects. However, understanding the underlying queries that MongoEngine generates can be incredibly beneficial for debugging, optimization, and simply gaining a deeper understanding of how your code interacts with the database. This tutorial takes you through various approaches to unveil the generated queries in MongoEngine, spanning from basic logging methods to advanced inspection techniques. Armed with these tools, you’ll be able to fine-tune your database interactions to achieve optimal performance.

Basic Query Logging

To start simple, the easiest way to see the MongoEngine queries is to enable query logging in MongoDB. You can adjust the log level of your MongoDB instance to include query logs. Here’s how:


This command sets the profiling level to ‘all,’ making MongoDB log all operations. To see the output, you’ll need to review the MongoDB logs, typically located in the /var/log/mongodb directory on Linux systems. Remember, this method will show all database interactions, not just those generated by your MongoEngine-powered application, making it inefficient for more focused debugging.

Pythonic Ways of Viewing Queries

For a more application-centric approach, MongoEngine itself provides mechanisms to reveal the generated queries. As we delve deeper, please ensure you’re working within an environment where modifications won’t affect your production database.

Using the .explain() Method

One of the simplest ways to see the underlying MongoDB query for a specific MongoEngine query is to append the .explain() method at the end of your query chain. This returns a dictionary with details about the execution plan, including the raw query:

from your_app.models import YourModel

result = YourModel.objects(your_field='value').explain()

This output can provide insights into the query plan but might be overwhelming due to its verbosity. For more direct insights into the query, additional steps and tools may be needed.

Enable Query Logging in MongoEngine

MongoEngine can be configured to log queries using Python’s built-in logging module. Here’s how to set it up:

import logging
import mongoengine


After executing these lines, all MongoEngine queries will print to the console, allowing you to see the translated MongoDB operations. This method provides a more straightforward way to monitor your app’s database interactions, though the amount of detail is less than what’s provided by the .explain() method.

Advanced Techniques for Query Insight

For those requiring a deeper dive into the queries, more advanced methods involve utilizing third-party tools or writing custom middleware for MongoEngine.

Using a Debugger or Profiler

Advanced Python debuggers and profilers can intercept and log the queries being executed. Tools like PyCharm’s debugger or the line_profiler module allow you to set breakpoints or profile sections of your code, respectively. By focusing on the code segments where MongoEngine queries are executed, you can step through the execution and inspect the generated queries in real time.

Custom Middleware for MongoEngine

For teams requiring integration of query logging into their development workflow, writing custom middleware for MongoEngine can provide a tailored solution. This may involve overriding the default behaviors of MongoEngine’s query methods to log or manipulate queries before execution. Here’s a simplistic example:

from mongoengine.queryset import QuerySet

class CustomQuerySet(QuerySet):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        # Your custom logging or manipulation here

# Later, when defining your document class
class YourModel(mongoengine.Document):
    meta = {'queryset_class': CustomQuerySet}

This approach provides great flexibility but requires a solid understanding of MongoEngine’s internals and should be used with caution to avoid impacting performance or functionality.


Understanding the queries MongoEngine generates is key to optimizing database interactions and solving performance issues. By starting with basic logging methods and advancing to more in-depth techniques, developers can gain a comprehensive understanding of how their code translates into database operations. Armed with this knowledge, you’re well-equipped to write efficient, debuggable applications that make the most of MongoEngine and MongoDB.

Next Article: MongoEngine ReferenceField – Tutorial & Examples

Previous Article: MongoEngine: Unique and Non-Unique Fields

Series: Data Persistence in Python – Tutorials & Examples


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