How to create a Twitter bot with Python

Updated: January 2, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Learn to leverage Python and the Twitter API to build an interactive Twitter bot that tweets, responds, and engages with your audience.

Getting Started with Tweepy

To create a Twitter bot in Python, we’ll use the Tweepy library, which provides a convenient way to interact with the Twitter API. Firstly, you’ll need to install the library using pip:

pip install tweepy

Then, create a Twitter developer account and set up a new app to obtain your API keys, which are crucial for authenticating your bot with Twitter.


import tweepy

consumer_key = 'your-consumer-key'
consumer_secret = 'your-consumer-secret'
access_token = 'your-access-token'
access_token_secret = 'your-access-token-secret'

auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)

api = tweepy.API(auth)

Replace the placeholders with your actual keys. This code snippet will authenticate your bot.

Posting Tweets

With the bot authenticated, you’re now ready to post tweets. Below is a simple function that posts a tweet:

def tweet(message):

tweet('Hello, Twitterverse!')

Listening for Mentions and Replying

To make your bot interactive, you can listen for mentions and reply accordingly. We will use Tweepy’s streaming API to accomplish this:

class MyStreamListener(tweepy.StreamListener):

    def on_status(self, status):
        username = status.user.screen_name
        tweet_id =
        api.update_status(f"@{username} Thanks for the mention!", in_reply_to_status_id=tweet_id)

listener = MyStreamListener()
stream = tweepy.Stream(auth=api.auth, listener=listener)

Replace ‘@YourBotUsername’ with your bot’s actual username. This will allow your bot to monitor tweets and respond to mentions.

Advanced Features

Beyond tweeting and replying, your bot can also be tailored to handle more complex interactions using advanced Tweepy functionalities.

For instance, handling direct messages:

def on_direct_message(self, status):
    sender_id = status.sender_id
    api.send_direct_message(sender_id, 'Thanks for your message!')

Or performing periodic tasks:

import time

def daily_tweet():
    while True:
        tweet('What a lovely day!')
        time.sleep(86400) # Sleep for 24 hours

Such functionalities open a vast array of possibilities for your bot’s behavior.

Error Handling and Limits

When working with the Twitter API, you should be aware of rate limits and implement appropriate error handling:

    api.update_status('An error-free tweet')
except tweepy.TweepError as e:

Now that you understand the basics and have seen some advanced examples, test your bot thoroughly and ensure it adheres to Twitter’s automation rules.


Congratulations on building your Python Twitter bot! You now have the tools to expand your bot’s functionality and engage with your followers in new, automated ways. Have fun and always tweet responsibly.