PyMongo: How to create compound indexes

Updated: February 9, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Indexes are critical in optimizing MongoDB queries. They help improve the performance of database operations by allowing MongoDB to quickly locate and retrieve the data without having to scan every document in a collection. Compound indexes are one type of index that MongoDB supports, which allows you to sort through multiple fields within your documents. This article will guide you on how to create compound indexes in PyMongo, the popular MongoDB driver for Python, with multiple code examples from basic to advanced levels.

Introduction to PyMongo

PyMongo is a Python distribution containing tools for working with MongoDB, and is the recommended way to work with MongoDB from Python. It allows you to connect to MongoDB, perform data operations, and manage the database efficiently. Before diving into compound indexes, ensure that you have MongoDB and PyMongo installed. For installation, you can refer to the official PyMongo documentation.

Understanding Compound Indexes

Compound indexes refer to indexes on multiple fields within a MongoDB collection. For example, if you have a collection with documents containing fields like ‘username’ and ’email’, you can create a compound index that includes both fields. This is useful for queries that filter or sort on these fields simultaneously.

Basic Example of Creating Compound Indexes

We’ll start with a basic example of creating a compound index in PyMongo. The following steps will guide you:

from pymongo import MongoClient

# Connect to your MongoDB cluster:
client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')

# Select your database:
database = client['your_database_name']

# Select your collection:
collection = database['your_collection_name']

# Create a compound index:
result = collection.create_index([('username', 1), ('email', 1)])
print('Index created:', result)

In this example, the compound index is created on the ‘username’ and ’email’ fields with ascending order (1) for both. Once executed, you will see the name of the created index output to the console.

Advancing to More Complex Indexes

Compound indexes are not limited to simple key-value pairs. You can include various options to fine-tune how the index behaves. Here’s an example that includes a unique constraint:

result = collection.create_index([
    ('username', 1),
    ('email', 1)
], unique=True)
print('Unique index created:', result)

By setting the unique option to True, MongoDB ensures that the indexed fields do not have duplicate values across documents, essentially enforcing uniqueness on the combination of ‘username’ and ’email’.

Understanding Index Options

When creating compound indexes, Mongo’s create_index method allows for specifying various options. Here are a few options to consider:

  • unique: ensures no two documents have the same index field values.
  • background: builds the index in the background, allowing database operations to continue during the build.
  • name: specifies a custom name for the index.

Handling Sparse and Partial Indexes

Sparse and partial indexes are specialized forms of indexes. A sparse index only includes documents that have the indexed field, which can help save space if many documents do not have the field. A partial index applies a filter expression, indexing only documents that meet the specific condition. Here’s how you can create a sparse index:

result = collection.create_index([('username', 1)], sparse=True)
print('Sparse index created:', result)

And a partial index:

result = collection.create_index([
    ('username', 1)
], partialFilterExpression={'age': {'$gt': 18}})
print('Partial index created:', result)

These advanced indexing options allow for more efficient use of resources and faster query performance based on your application’s specific requirements.

Best Practices

When working with indexes in MongoDB, it’s important to follow best practices for optimal performance:

  • Analyze your application’s query patterns to determine the most efficient indexes.
  • Use the MongoDB explain() method to understand how your queries interact with indexes.
  • Regularly review and optimize your indexes based on changing query patterns.


Compound indexes are a powerful feature in MongoDB that, when used correctly, can significantly enhance the performance of your database operations. By leveraging PyMongo to manage these indexes, you can maintain optimal performance and ensure your applications run smoothly. As your application grows, continue to monitor and optimize your indexes to suit changing requirements.