How to update a nested dictionary in Python (basic and advanced)

Updated: February 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Nested dictionaries in Python are dictionaries that contain other dictionaries. This structure is incredibly useful for representing hierarchical or complex data relationships. Updating these structures, however, requires a nuanced approach to ensure data integrity and achieve the desired outcomes.

Manipulating and accessing data stored within dictionaries is a fundamental part of programming in Python, particularly when dealing with more complex, nested dictionaries. This guide will provide you with the understanding and tools required to effectively update nested dictionaries, starting with basic examples and progressing to more advanced techniques.

Basic Example: Updating Nested Dictionaries

Let’s start with a simple example of how to update a value within a nested dictionary. Suppose we have the following nested dictionary:

person = {
    'name': 'John',
    'age': 30,
    'address': {
        'city': 'New York',
        'zipcode': 10022

To update John’s city, we could do something like the following:

person['address']['city'] = 'San Francisco'

This is a direct and straightforward way to update a nested value. Now, let’s move to something a bit more complex.

Intermediate Example: Updating Multiple Values

For a scenario where multiple values within the nested dictionary need to be updated, Python’s dictionary method update() can be leveraged. Consider the following nested dictionary:

employee = {
    'name': 'Jane',
    'role': 'Developer',
    'skills': {
        'programming': 'Intermediate',
        'communication': 'Basic'

The update() method allows for multiple keys within a nested dictionary to be updated simultaneously. Here’s how you’d do it:

    'programming': 'Advanced',
    'communication': 'Intermediate'

This method is succinct and powerful, especially for bulk updates.

Advanced Example: Dynamically Updating Nested Dictionaries

For instances that demand a programmatically sophisticated approach for updating nested dictionaries, techniques involving recursion or comprehensions can be applied. Here is a function that updates nested dictionaries by searching for a specified key no matter how deeply it is nested:

def update_nested_dict(d, key, value):
    for k, v in d.items():
        if k == key:
            d[k] = value
        elif isinstance(v, dict):
            update_nested_dict(v, key, value)

This recursive function circulates through the dictionary and its sub-dictionaries, updating values where a match is found. It’s especially useful for deep updates where the path to the nested key may not be known ahead of time.

Utilizing Libraries

In some cases, it may be beneficial to utilize external libraries for handling deeply nested dictionaries. One such library is deepmerge, which offers more sophisticated merging strategies that can be tailored to various scenarios.

from deepmerge import Merger

my_merger = Merger([(dict, ["merge"])], ["override"], ["override"])
merged_dict = my_merger.merge(dict1, dict2)

This library provides a flexible and powerful way to handle complex dictionary merging and updating tasks that surpass the capabilities of straightforward dictionary methods.


Updating nested dictionaries in Python, from basic value changes to complex hierarchical data structures, is a crucial skill for any developer working with data in Python. By understanding and applying the methods and techniques covered in this guide, you can manipulate nested dictionaries effectively, maintaining their integrity and ensuring accurate data representation.