Understanding sqlite3.Blob class in Python

Updated: February 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In this in-depth tutorial, we’re going to explore the sqlite3.Blob class in Python 3.11, a feature that enhances how binary large objects (BLOBs) are managed within SQLite databases through Python. BLOBs are used to store large binary data such as images, files, or even large texts. By understanding and utilizing the sqlite3.Blob class, developers can more efficiently and securely handle binary data within their applications.

What are BLOBs?

Before diving into the specifics of the sqlite3.Blob class, it’s crucial to understand what BLOBs are and why they’re important. BLOB stands for Binary Large OBject, a collection of binary data stored as a single entity in a database. BLOBs are ideal for storing information that doesn’t fit neatly into traditional data types, such as images, audio files, or video content.

Setting Up Your Environment

Ensure you have Python 3.11 or higher installed on your system, as well as access to a SQLite database. You can check your Python version by running python --version in your terminal. For SQLite, you can interact with it through the command line or use tools like DB Browser for SQLite for a GUI experience.

Basic Usage of sqlite3.Blob

Let’s start with a simple example to understand the basic usage of sqlite3.Blob. First, we need to create a SQLite database and a table that can hold a BLOB.

import sqlite3

conn = sqlite3.connect('example.db')
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS images
               (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, img BLOB)''')

Next, let’s insert an image into our table. We’ll read an image file in binary mode and insert it into the database.

with open('example.jpg', 'rb') as file:
    img = file.read()
    c.execute('INSERT INTO images (img) VALUES (?)', (img,))

This basic example demonstrates how to store and retrieve BLOB data using the sqlite3.Blob class. Now, let’s retrieve the image we just stored.

c.execute('SELECT img FROM images WHERE id = 1')
image_data = c.fetchone()[0]
with open('retrieved_image.jpg', 'wb') as file:

By executing the above code, you’ve successfully retrieved a BLOB from the database and saved it as a file on your disk.

Working with sqlite3.Blob for Optimized Data Handling

Python 3.11 introduces more sophisticated methods for handling BLOB data, allowing for more efficient and flexible data manipulation. Let’s delve into some advanced techniques.

Opening a BLOB for Incremental I/O

One of the standout features of the sqlite3.Blob class in Python 3.11 is the ability to open a BLOB for incremental input/output operations. This feature is particularly useful when working with large BLOBs, as it reduces memory usage and enhances performance.

c.execute('''SELECT load_extension('sqlite3_blob_open_extension')''')
c.execute('BEGIN IMMEDIATE')
blob = conn.blobopen('main', 'images', 'img', 1, 0)

Note that sqlite3_blob_open_extension is a hypothetical extension for demonstration purposes, and actual implementation might vary.

Reading and Writing BLOBs Incrementally

Once you have opened a BLOB using the sqlite3.Blob class, you can read or write to it incrementally. This method is highly efficient, especially for large BLOBs. Here’s how you can do it:

# Writing to the BLOB incrementally
blob.write(b'some new data', 10)

# Reading from the BLOB incrementally
blob.seek(0)  # Move to the beginning of the BLOB
print(blob.read(10))  # Reads the first 10 bytes

These operations showcase the power of the sqlite3.Blob class in handling large binary data. Users can modify BLOBs directly in the database without needing to read them into memory entirely, a massive gain for efficiency and performance.

Security Considerations

While BLOBs offer a powerful way to store binary data, it’s essential to consider security, especially when dealing with sensitive information. Always use secure methods to transfer and access BLOB data, and consider encrypting sensitive data before storing it in the database.


The sqlite3.Blob class in Python 3.11 offers a powerful and efficient way to handle large binary data within SQLite databases. By using this class, developers can perform incremental input/output operations on BLOBs, improving the application’s overall performance and memory usage. Whether you’re storing images, video files, or large datasets, leveraging the sqlite3.Blob class will undoubtedly enhance your application’s data handling capabilities.