MongoEngine DictField: A Practical Guide (with examples)

Updated: February 11, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


MongoDB, a leading NoSQL database, offers a dynamic schema allowing for a flexible data structure. The Python library MongoEngine beautifully wraps MongoDB functionality, providing an ORM-like interface for MongoDB. A particularly powerful feature is the DictField, enabling complex, schema-less data structures within your documents. This article delves into practical use cases and examples to help you master DictField.

Before diving in, ensure MongoEngine is installed in your environment using pip install mongoengine.

Getting Started with DictField

The DictField allows you to store a dictionary in a document. Here’s how to define a model with a DictField:

from mongoengine import Document, DictField, connect

class MyDocument(Document):
    info = DictField()


This model has a info field that can store any dictionary. Let’s insert a document with a diverse info dictionary:

doc = MyDocument(info={'name': 'John Doe', 'age': 30, 'hobbies': ['reading', 'hiking']}).save()

Querying Documents with DictField

Querying documents with DictField is straightforward. To find documents where the info dictionary includes a specific key, use:

docs = MyDocument.objects(info__name='John Doe')
for doc in docs:

This returns all documents where info['name'] equals ‘John Doe’.

Advanced Operations on DictField

For more complex operations, such as updating a specific key in a DictField, MongoDB’s atomic update operators come handy:

MyDocument.objects(info__name='John Doe').update(set__info__age=31)

This updates the age key in the info dictionary for documents matching the query.

Dynamic Keys in DictField

What if your keys are dynamic? DictField shines here by allowing flexible data models. Consider a scenario where each document stores attributes for different items, and the keys are the item IDs:

class ItemAttributes(Document):
    attributes = DictField()

item_attributes = ItemAttributes(attributes={'123': {'color': 'blue', 'size': 'M'}, '456': {'color': 'red', 'size': 'L'}}).save()

To update an attribute for a specific item, use dynamic field access:

ItemAttributes.objects().update(**{'set__attributes__123__color': 'green'})

Nesting DictFields for Complex Structures

For deeply nested structures, nesting DictFields is possible. This is useful for JSON-like data:

class ComplexDocument(Document):
    data = DictField()

data = {
    'nested': {
        'level1': {
            'key': 'value',
            'another_key': {'deep': 'down'}

doc = ComplexDocument(data=data).save()

With nested DictFields, your schema can be as flexible as needed, accommodating diverse and evolving data structures.

Performance Considerations

While DictField offers great flexibility, it’s essential to consider performance. Large, deeply nested dictionaries can affect query performance. Utilizing MongoDB indexes on the keys within DictField that are frequently queried can mitigate this.


MongoEngine’s DictField provides a versatile way to handle flexible, schema-less data within documents. Whether you’re storing simple key-value pairs, dynamic content, or complex nested data, DictField offers the functionality needed to manage it effectively. As with any powerful feature, use it judiciously, keeping in mind the trade-offs in terms of complexity and performance.