Python: Using type hints with datetime and timestamp

Updated: February 14, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Type hinting in Python is a great feature that came along with Python 3.5 through PEP 484. It allows programmers to explicitly declare the expected data types of function arguments and return values. While it does not enforce type checking at runtime, it greatly aids in debugging, documentation, and IDE support. Handling dates and times with datetime objects is a common task in many Python applications, and correctly hinting these types can significantly improve code readability and maintainability.

This tutorial will delve into practical examples of using type hints with datetime and timestamp in Python, aiming to enhance your coding practices in handling date and time manipulations.

Getting Started with Type Hints and datetime

First, let’s understand the basics of type hinting and how it applies to datetime objects. The datetime module in Python provides classes for manipulating dates and times. While these classes are powerful, declaring exactly what type of datetime object your functions expect can prevent many common bugs.

Here’s a simple example:

from datetime import datetime

def get_weekday(date: datetime) -> str:
    return date.strftime("%A")

date_example =

In this example, get_weekday is a function that takes a datetime object and returns the name of the week day as a string. The type hint date: datetime clearly specifies that get_weekday expects a datetime object.

Advanced Type Hints with datetime

Moving forward, let’s look at more advanced ways of using type hints with datetime, especially when you’re dealing with functions that could accept more than one type of datetime object or a timestamp (a float or int representing seconds since the Unix epoch).

Python’s typing module allows you to define more complex types, such as Union, which signifies that an input can be one of multiple types. Here’s an example involving a timestamp:

from datetime import datetime
from typing import Union

def parse_datetime(input: Union[datetime, float, int]) -> datetime:
    if isinstance(input, datetime):
        return input
    elif isinstance(input, (float, int)):
        return datetime.fromtimestamp(input)
        raise TypeError("Unsupported type passed as input.")

In the parse_datetime function above, the argument input can be a datetime object, a float, or an int. The function processes these inputs accordingly, returning a datetime object. This use of Union greatly expands the flexibility of your functions while still providing clear documentation through type hints.

Dealing with Timezones

Handling datetime objects often involves dealing with timezones. Python’s datetime module allows for timezone-aware datetime objects. When working with type hints in such scenarios, it’s important to indicate whether your functions expect timezone-aware or naive datetime objects.


from datetime import datetime, timezone

def get_utc_now() -> datetime:

This function, get_utc_now, returns the current UTC time as a timezone-aware datetime object. By specifying -> datetime in the function signature, you’re documenting that this function returns a datetime object, while the code itself assures it’s timezone-aware.

Type Hinting and Static Type Checkers

While type hints by themselves do not enforce type checking at runtime, tools like Mypy can be used to perform static type checking. This means you can catch type inconsistencies in your code before runtime, making your applications more robust.

Example with Mypy:

from datetime import datetime
from typing import Union

def timestamp_to_datetime(timestamp: Union[float, int]) -> datetime:
    return datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)

To check this code with Mypy, you would run:


Mypy would then analyze the functions in, ensuring the type hints are consistent with how the functions are called throughout your application.


In conclusion, leveraging type hints with datetime and timestamp in Python is not just about adhering to best practices. It’s about writing clearer, more maintanable code. Whether you’re dealing with complex date and time manipulations or simply need to ensure your functions are receiving the right kind of data, type hints can make a significant difference. Combine them with static type checkers like Mypy, and you elevate the reliability and readability of your code to the next level.