Python: Using PyMongo with Type Hints

Updated: February 8, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Recent versions of Python introduce several improvements that make development faster, more efficient, and easier to understand. One of the notable areas where Python has been making consistent advancements is in type hinting. Type hints help developers to define the types of variables, function parameters, and return types. This leads to clearer code and the opportunity for better static analysis, catching potential bugs even before running the code. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to use PyMongo, the popular MongoDB driver for Python, with type hints, enhancing both our development experience and the reliability of our code.

First, ensure MongoDB is installed on your machine and a MongoDB server instance is running. Also, make sure you have Python 3.11 (or higher) and pip, the Python package installer, installed.

Basic Setup

To start, install PyMongo using pip:

pip install pymongo

Next, let’s establish a basic connection to our MongoDB database:

from pymongo import MongoClient
class MongoConnection:
    def __init__(self, uri: str) -> None:
        self.client = MongoClient(uri)

    def get_database(self, name: str) -> Database:
        return self.client[name]

Here, we introduce type hints in our class constructor and method. uri is a string, and get_database expects a string for the database name and returns a Database object, ensuring our interactions are type-checked.

Interacting with Collections

Creating and Retrieving Documents

Inserting and retrieving documents are common operations. Let’s see how they look with type hints:

from pymongo.collection import Collection
from pymongo.database import Database

def insert_document(collection: Collection, data: dict) -> dict:
    result = collection.insert_one(data)
    return {"inserted_id": result.inserted_id}

def retrieve_document(collection: Collection, document_id: str) -> dict:
    return collection.find_one({"_id": document_id})

With these functions, we’re making clear what types are expected and what is returned, significantly improving readability and reliability.

Working with Complex Queries and Aggregations

MongoDB is known for its powerful querying capabilities. Python’s type hints can help make complex queries and aggregations clearer:

from typing import List
def run_aggregation(collection: Collection, pipeline: List[dict]) -> List[dict]:
    return list(collection.aggregate(pipeline))

The pipeline parameter is a list of dictionaries, representing the stages of the MongoDB aggregation pipeline.

Integrating with Python Data Types

A compelling use of type hints is converting MongoDB documents to native Python data classes. This approach lends itself to cleaner and more maintainable code. Consider the following example:

from dataclasses import dataclass
from pymongo.collection import Collection
from typing import Optional

class Product:
    name: str
    price: Optional[float] = None

def insert_product(collection: Collection, product: Product) -> str:
    result = collection.insert_one(product.__dict__)
    return str(result.inserted_id)

This method leverages Python data classes and type hints to create a structured and type-safe way of handling MongoDB documents.

Handling Errors with Type Hints

Type hints can also be beneficial when handling exceptions and errors. By annotating the exceptions that a function can raise, developers can prepare better error handling strategies. Here’s how:

from pymongo.errors import PyMongoError
def safe_insert(collection: Collection, data: dict) -> bool:
        return True
    except PyMongoError as e:
        print("Failed to insert document:", e)
        return False

This approach provides clarity on what exceptions are expected, allowing for more precise catches and error handling.


In Python, the addition of type hints with PyMongo not only enhances code clarity but also significantly improves the debugging process, making the codebase easier to maintain and debug. This tutorial aimed to introduce and guide you through the basics and some advanced techniques of using PyMongo with type hints. By adopting these practices, you can write more reliable and understandable Python applications that leverage MongoDB.