How to generate weekly calendars in Python

Updated: February 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Managing dates and calendars is a common requirement for many software applications. Python, with its powerful libraries, makes date manipulation, including generating weekly calendars, painless and straightforward. This tutorial will explore generating weekly calendars using Python’s built-in calendar module and the popular third-party library dateutil. By the end, you’ll know how to create custom weekly calendar views tailored to your needs.

Getting Started

First, ensure you have Python installed on your machine. This tutorial uses Python 3.8+, but any version from Python 3 onwards should work fine for our purposes. You’ll also need to install the dateutil library if you intend to follow the sections that utilize it. You can do so using pip:

pip install python-dateutil

Using the calendar Module

The calendar module in Python is a built-in library that provides functions to work with dates related to calendars. It supports generating calendars (monthly and yearly) and offers a way to get week-specific data directly.

Example 1: Displaying a Weekly Calendar

import calendar

year = 2023
month = 4

# Create a month's calendar in a 2D array
month_cal = calendar.monthcalendar(year, month)

# Display each week
for week in month_cal:

This code snippet will print out a 2D array where each sublist represents a week in the specified month and year, with days represented as numbers. Zeroes in the array represent days that fall outside of the month’s scope in the week.

Example 2: Getting the Start Date of Each Week

import datetime
import calendar

# Define the function to get each week's start date
def get_week_starts(year, month):
    first_day_of_month =, month, 1)
    month_cal = calendar.monthcalendar(year, month)
    week_starts = []

    for week in month_cal:
        for day in week:
            if day != 0:  # Ignore padding days
                week_start = first_day_of_month + datetime.timedelta(days=week.index(day))

    return week_starts

# Print the start date of each week in a month
for start_date in get_week_starts(2023, 4):

This function calculates and returns the start date of each week in the specified month and year. It’s particularly useful for applications requiring week-based data views.

Using the dateutil Library

The dateutil library extends Python’s basic datetime functionality with additional utilities, including robust recurrence rule processing, which we can use for generating weekly calendars.

Example 3: Generating Weekly Dates with RRULE

from dateutil.rrule import rrule, WEEKLY
from dateutil.parser import parse

start_date = parse('2023-04-01')
end_date = parse('2023-04-30')

# Generate weekly dates within a month
weekly_dates = list(rrule(freq=WEEKLY, dtstart=start_date, until=end_date))

# Display each date
for date in weekly_dates:

This code uses dateutil's rrule function to generate dates that occur on a weekly basis within the specified period. It’s an excellent way to get individual dates if you’re planning activities or events on a weekly schedule.

Advanced Customization

Your weekly calendar can be customized further for specific requirements. For instance, you might want to highlight weekends differently, filter out weeks that contain certain holidays, or perhaps attach additional information to each week such as the number of working hours expected.

Customizing with Python Functions

By leveraging Python’s flexibility, you can easily extend the basic weekly calendar generation with your custom logic. Whether you’re formatting output for better readability, adjusting start days of the week, or integrating external data sources for holiday information, the sky’s the limit on how you can tailor the weekly calendar to fit your exact needs.


In this tutorial, we’ve covered the basics of generating weekly calendars in Python, utilizing both the calendar and dateutil libraries. Whether you’re building applications that require scheduling functionality, planning your personal or professional life, or just exploring Python’s date and time manipulation capabilities, you now have a solid foundation to generate weekly calendars customized to your requirements.

The true power of Python lies in its vast ecosystem of libraries and its simplicity. As shown in this guide, with just a few lines of code, you can implement complex date and time handling functionalities. Happy coding!