PyMongo: How to get the length of a cursor

Updated: February 8, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Working with MongoDB through PyMongo is common for Python developers dealing with NoSQL databases. Getting the length of a cursor is a common task, whether you’re dealing with document counts or simply need to understand the size of your result sets. This tutorial covers various ways to get the length of a cursor in PyMongo, from basic to more advanced techniques.

Understanding Cursors in PyMongo

Before diving into the specifics of getting the length of a cursor, it’s important to understand what a cursor is within the context of MongoDB and PyMongo. A cursor in MongoDB is essentially a pointer to the result set of a query. It allows for iterating over MongoDB documents efficiently without loading all documents into memory at once.

Basic Method to Get the Length of a Cursor

The most straightforward method to determine the length of a cursor is using the count() method. This method returns the number of documents in the cursor.

from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')
db = client.test_db
collection = db.test_collection
result_cursor = collection.find({})

This code connects to the MongoDB database, selects a collection, runs a find query to retrieve all documents, and prints the count of documents in the cursor. Remember, count() is deprecated in newer versions of PyMongo, so let’s explore more current alternatives.

Using count_documents()

For newer versions of PyMongo, count_documents() is the recommended way to count the number of documents that match a query.

result_count = collection.count_documents({})

This method directly returns the count of documents matching the query criteria provided in the parentheses. The example above counts all documents in the collection, but you can use any valid MongoDB query filter.

Aggregation Framework

The MongoDB Aggregation Framework is a powerful tool for performing complex transformations and operations on datasets. You can also use it to count documents.

pipeline = [
    {'$match': {}}, # Match all documents
    {'$count': 'total_documents'}
result = collection.aggregate(pipeline)
total_documents = list(result)[0]['total_documents']

This snippet uses a simple aggregation pipeline that matches all documents and then counts them. The result of the aggregation is a cursor that, in this case, contains only one document with the total count of documents. The result cursor from the aggregation command must be converted to a list to access the data, which is different from how cursor length is typically retrieved with find().

Handling Large Collections

When working with notably large collections, directly counting documents might impact performance. Instead, considering approximate document counts or strategically using indexes can alleviate performance concerns.

estimated_document_count() provides a fast, albeit approximate, count of the documents in a collection.

approx_count = collection.estimated_document_count()

This method does not take a query filter and provides an estimate based on collection statistics. It’s much faster than count_documents() for large collections but less accurate.

Advanced Cursor Manipulation

Advanced use cases might require not only the count of documents in a cursor but also manipulation of the cursor itself. For instance, working with large data extracts or paginated outputs efficiently.

When working with large datasets or implementing pagination in a PyMongo application, manipulating the cursor using methods like batchSize(), limit(), and skip() becomes essential. These methods allow for efficient data retrieval and handling by controlling the amount of data loaded into memory and fetched from the database in each network round trip.

Here’s an advanced code example that demonstrates using these cursor manipulation methods for efficient data handling and pagination:

from pymongo import MongoClient

# Connect to MongoDB (Adjust the connection string as necessary)
client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')
db = client['your_database']
collection = db['your_collection']

# Function to fetch paginated results
def fetch_paginated_results(page_number, page_size):
    Fetches a page of results from a collection.

    :param page_number: The page number (1-indexed).
    :param page_size: The number of documents per page.
    :return: A list of documents for the requested page.
    # Calculate the number of documents to skip
    skip_documents = (page_number - 1) * page_size

    # Create a cursor with a limit and skip applied
    cursor = collection.find().skip(skip_documents).limit(page_size)

    # Optionally set the batch size

    # Fetch and return the documents
    return list(cursor)

# Example: Fetch the second page of results, assuming 10 documents per page
page_number = 2
page_size = 10
documents = fetch_paginated_results(page_number, page_size)

# Print the fetched documents
for doc in documents:

# Count the total number of documents (for pagination controls)
total_documents = collection.count_documents({})
total_pages = (total_documents + page_size - 1) // page_size  # Calculate total pages needed

print(f"Total documents: {total_documents}")
print(f"Total pages: {total_pages}")

Key Points in This Example:

  • Pagination: The fetch_paginated_results function demonstrates how to implement pagination. It calculates the number of documents to skip based on the requested page number and applies a limit to control the number of documents returned for the page.
  • Batch Size: The .batch_size() method controls the number of documents MongoDB will return in each batch. Setting this to match the page_size can help optimize network usage, especially when dealing with large datasets.
  • Total Pages Calculation: After fetching the paginated results, the total number of documents in the collection is counted using count_documents({}). This count is used to calculate the total number of pages, which is useful for pagination controls in applications.

This example efficiently handles large datasets and pagination by manipulating the cursor, making it suitable for applications that need to display large amounts of data in a user-friendly manner.


Understanding how to get the length of a cursor is vital when working with MongoDB through PyMongo. While the count() function provided a simple method, the evolution of PyMongo has brought forward count_documents() and the Aggregation Framework as superior alternatives. Remember, choosing the right method depends on the specific requirements of your application, such as performance considerations and accuracy needs.