Python Stream: asyncio.open_connection() function explained (with examples)

Updated: February 12, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Understanding asynchronous programming can significantly enhance your skills and application performance, especially in I/O bound or network applications. Python, with its asyncio library, offers a powerful framework for writing concurrent code using async/await syntax. A critical feature of asyncio is its ability to manage network connections asynchronously. In this tutorial, we dive deep into the asyncio.open_connection() function, an essential tool for non-blocking network communication.

Introduction to asyncio.open_connection()

The asyncio.open_connection() function is a cornerstone for networking tasks in asynchronous Python programs. It establishes a network connection and returns a pair of stream objects (reader and writer), which can be used to send and receive data without blocking the execution of your program. This function shines in scenarios where handling thousands of connections simultaneously without freezing your application is crucial.

import asyncio

async def tcp_echo_client(message):
    reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(
        '', 8888
    print(f'Send: {message}')
    await writer.drain()

    data = await
    print(f'Received: {data.decode()}')

    print('Close the connection')
    await writer.wait_closed()'Hello World'))

Understanding the Parameters

The asyncio.open_connection() function takes key parameters that define the details of the network connection. The primary parameters include:

  • host: The domain name or IP address of the server you want to connect to.
  • port: The network port on the server you wish to communicate with.
  • To further cater to diverse network requirements, asyncio.open_connection() also supports several optional parameters like ssl, family, proto, flags, and more, allowing for detailed control over the connection.

Exploring the Return Values

The function returns two objects:

  • reader: An asyncio.StreamReader object for reading data from the connection.
  • writer: An asyncio.StreamWriter object for sending data over the connection.

Together, these objects empower you to perform read and write operations asynchronously, making your networked applications more efficient and responsive.

Example: Establishing a TCP Connection

Leveraging asyncio.open_connection() for TCP communication is straightforward. Consider the following example, where we establish a TCP connection to a local server:

import asyncio

async def simple_client():
    reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection('localhost', 8080)
    writer.write(b'Hello, server!')
    await writer.drain()
    response = await
    print('Server replied:', response.decode())
    await writer.wait_closed()

Handling SSL and Secure Connections

When dealing with secure connections, it’s often necessary to utilize the ssl parameter. The example below demonstrates setting up an SSL connection with asyncio.open_connection():

import asyncio
import ssl

async def ssl_client():
    ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH)
    ssl_context.check_hostname = False
    ssl_context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE

    reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(
        '', 443, ssl=ssl_context
    writer.write(b'GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n')
    await writer.drain()
    response = await
    print('Response:', response.decode())
    await writer.wait_closed()

Advanced Techniques

While the basics of asyncio.open_connection() are relatively straightforward, leveraging advanced techniques can unlock its full potential. Exploring features such as stream compression, handling connection timeouts, and implementing custom protocol handlers can dramatically enhance your applications.


The asyncio.open_connection() function is a powerful tool in the asyncio library’s arsenal, offering a non-blocking way to handle network communications. By understanding its parameters, return values, and leveraging it in various scenarios, you can build efficient, scalable, and responsive networked applications in Python.