Solving PyMongo Error: Couldn’t connect to server

Updated: February 8, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Encountering errors while working with MongoDB in Python using PyMongo can be a roadblock for developers, especially when the error is related to connecting to MongoDB server. One such common error is Couldn't connect to server This tutorial aims to dive deep into the causes of this error and explore various solutions to fix it.

Causes of the Error

The error Couldn't connect to server usually occurs due to several reasons:

  • MongoDB Server Not Running: The most common reason is that the MongoDB service is not running on the specified address and port.
  • Firewall / Network Issues: Sometimes, firewall or network configurations may block the connection to the MongoDB server.
  • Incorrect Connection String: Mistakes or inaccuracies in the connection string can also lead to connection failures.

Solutions to the Error

Here are some solutions that can help fix this error:

Solution #1 – Ensure MongoDB Server is Running

Before attempting to connect via PyMongo, ensure that the MongoDB server is actually running on your system or the designated environment.


  1. Check whether MongoDB is actively running by opening a terminal.
  2. Use the command mongo to see if you can connect to the local database server.
  3. If the command does not work, start MongoDB with mongod.

Note: If MongoDB is installed as a service, make sure it’s started by using your system’s service management command.

Solution #2 – Check Network and Firewall Settings

Verify that your firewall or network settings are not preventing the connection to MongoDB.


  1. Review your firewall settings to ensure TCP connections are allowed on port 27017.
  2. Adjust any network security settings that might be blocking the connection.

Note: On some systems, it might be necessary to specifically allow the executable mongod.exe through the firewall.

Solution #3 – Verify and Correct Connection String

Incorrect connection strings are a common source of problems. Verify and if necessary, correct your MongoDB connection string.


  1. Ensure the format of the connection string follows the standard URI format.
  2. Double-check the hostname and port number. In case of local development, it’s usually
  3. Try a simple connection string initially and add parameters as needed.


from pymongo import MongoClient

    client = MongoClient('mongodb://')
    print('Connected successfully!')
    print('Could not connect to MongoDB')

Note: Connection strings may vary based on authentication needs or other MongoDB server configurations.


Resolving the Couldn't connect to server error in PyMongo involves checking three key areas: ensuring the MongoDB server is running, verifying network/firewall settings, and correcting the connection string if necessary. By systematically addressing these issues, developers can resume their MongoDB operations with minimal disruption.