PyMongo: How to connect to a remote MongoDB server

Updated: February 8, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Connecting to a MongoDB database from a Python application can significantly enhance your project’s capability to store, retrieve, and manipulate data. This tutorial aims to guide you through the process of establishing a connection to a remote MongoDB server using PyMongo, a popular Python library. By following this tutorial, you’ll learn how to integrate MongoDB databases into your Python projects effortlessly. We’ll start with the basics and gradually move on to more advanced topics, providing code examples at each step.


Before we dive into the connection steps, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

  • Python 3.x installed on your machine
  • MongoDB server accessible remotely
  • PyMongo library installed. If not, you can install it using pip: pip install pymongo

Establishing a Basic Connection

To begin, you need to import MongoClient from PyMongo and use it to connect to your MongoDB server. Here is a simple example to connect to a MongoDB server running on the default port (27017) on ‘localhost’:

from pymongo import MongoClient

client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')
print('Connected to MongoDB server successfully.')

This code snippet establishes a basic connection using the MongoDB URI. Replace ‘localhost’ with the IP address or hostname of your remote MongoDB server.

Specifying the Database and Collection

After establishing a connection to the MongoDB server, you may want to interact with a specific database and collection. Here’s how:

db = client['your_database_name']
collection = db['your_collection_name']
print('Selected database and collection successfully.')

This code selects a database and collection by name. Remember to replace ‘your_database_name’ and ‘your_collection_name’ with the actual names of your database and collection.


In most cases, MongoDB servers are protected with authentication. To connect to a MongoDB server that requires authentication, you can include the username and password in the URI, as demonstrated below:

client = MongoClient('mongodb://your_username:your_password@remote_server_ip:27017/your_database_name')
print('Authenticated and connected to MongoDB server successfully.')

Make sure to replace ‘your_username’, ‘your_password’, ‘remote_server_ip’, and ‘your_database_name’ with the appropriate credentials and information for your setup.

Read and Write Operations

Once you’re connected to the MongoDB server and have selected your database and collection, you’re ready to perform read and write operations. Here’s a simple example of inserting a document into a collection:

document = {'name': 'John Doe', 'email': '[email protected]'}
result = collection.insert_one(document)
print('Document inserted:', result.inserted_id)

And to retrieve a document:

query = {'name': 'John Doe'} 
document = collection.find_one(query) 
print('Found document:', document) 

Using SSL/TLS Connection

For enhanced security, especially when connecting to a remote MongoDB server over the internet, it’s advisable to use an SSL/TLS connection. You can enable this in PyMongo with the following code snippet:

client = MongoClient('mongodb://your_username:your_password@remote_server_ip:27017/your_database_name', ssl=True, ssl_cert_reqs='CERT_REQUIRED')

This enables an encrypted connection to your MongoDB server. Be sure to check with your database administrator for the necessary certificate requirements.

Advanced Configuration

PyMongo offers various configuration options to fine-tune your connection to a MongoDB server. Here’s an example of using some advanced configuration settings:

client = MongoClient('mongodb://your_username:your_password@remote_server_ip:27017/your_database_name', connectTimeoutMS=30000, socketTimeoutMS=None, serverSelectionTimeoutMS=30000, maxPoolSize=50, tls=True)

This configuration optimizes the connection parameters for specific use cases and ensures a more resilient connection.


Connecting to a remote MongoDB server using PyMongo is straightforward once you understand the essentials. This tutorial covered from the basic connection to advanced configurations, including dealing with authentication and using SSL/TLS for a secure connection. With PyMongo, integrating MongoDB into your Python projects is efficient and powerful, enabling you to leverage the full potential of your data.