MongoEngine: How to close a connection

Updated: February 10, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


MongoEngine is a popular Object Document Mapper (ODM) for working with MongoDB in Python. It’s a tool that abstracts away many of the complexities of working with MongoDB directly, allowing developers to interact with their databases through Python classes and objects. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to properly manage and close connections in MongoEngine. Understanding how to manage your database connections is crucial for efficiently utilizing resources and ensuring your applications runs smoothly.

Understanding MongoEngine Connections

Before we jump into closing connections, it’s essential to understand how MongoEngine manages its connections. MongoEngine uses a connection pool to manage its connections to MongoDB, which allows it to reuse connections efficiently. By default, when you connect to your MongoDB instance using MongoEngine, it will keep the connection open to be used for future queries, reducing the overhead of establishing a new connection for every operation.

Basic Connection Management

from mongoengine import connect

def connect_db():
    connect('mydb', host='localhost', port=27017)

def disconnect_db():
    from mongoengine.connection import disconnect

# Usage
# Perform database operations

This basic example shows how to connect to and disconnect from a MongoDB database using MongoEngine. Here, we use the connect method to establish a connection and the disconnect method to close it. It’s a straightforward approach that works well for simple scripts or applications that connect to the database at the beginning and disconnect once they’re done with all database operations.

Handling Multiple Connections

When working with multiple databases or in scenarios where different parts of your application require separate connections, MongoEngine’s approach to managing connections becomes more important. The framework allows you to register multiple connections and refer to them by alias, enabling more complex connection handling scenarios.

from mongoengine import connect

def connect_multiple_dbs():
    connect('mydb1', alias='default', host='localhost', port=27017)
    connect('mydb2', alias='secondary', host='localhost', port=27017)

def disconnect_specific(alias):
    from mongoengine.connection import disconnect

# Usage
# Perform operations on 'mydb1' and 'mydb2'
# 'mydb1' connection is closed while 'mydb2' remains open for further operations

This example extends our initial connection handling by introducing the concept of aliases. Aliases allow you to manage multiple connections simultaneously, connect to them independently, and close them one by one as needed.

Advanced Connection Management

In more complex applications, you might need to ensure that connections are correctly handled not only at the start and end of your application but also between its various states or modules. Configuring connection pooling, handling exceptions properly, and integrating with application lifecycle events become crucial as your application grows.

Ensuring Connections Close in Exception Scenarios

    connect('mydb', host='localhost', port=27017)
    # Perform database operations
except Exception as e:
    print(f"An error occurred: {e}")

In complex applications, always wrap your database operations in a try-except block. This ensures that, regardless of whether an exception occurs during one of your operations, the disconnect function is called in the finally block. This pattern ensures that resources are always properly cleaned up.

When to Close Connections

Now that we’ve covered how to manage and close connections effectively, it’s crucial to understand when to close connections. While it might be tempting to open and close connections frequently to conserve resources, this can actually lead to increased latency and decreased performance due to the overhead of establishing connections. Generally, you want to maintain a persistent connection throughout the lifecycle of a request or operation and only disconnect when you’re sure the connection will no longer be needed.


Effectively managing database connections is a critical aspect of developing applications with MongoEngine. By understanding how to close connections properly, you can ensure that your application utilizes resources efficiently, maintains high performance, and avoids potential issues related to open connections. Remember, the key is to balance maintaining persistent connections for efficiency with closing them when they are no longer necessary to ensure the effective use of resources.