Python error: cannot be called from a running event loop

Updated: February 12, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Understanding the Error

When developing asynchronous applications in Python, you might encounter the error cannot be called from a running event loop. This error occurs because is designed to create and manage its own event loop and cannot be used inside an already running event loop. Such scenarios are common in applications that combine synchronous and asynchronous code or in complex calling structures. Understanding this error and knowing how to resolve it is crucial for developing robust asynchronous applications.

Solution 1: Using asyncio.create_task()

This approach involves scheduling the coroutine to be run on the existing event loop instead of trying to start a new one. This method is preferred when you are already inside an event loop and wish to run additional coroutines without blocking the current execution.


  1. Ensure you are inside an already running event loop.
  2. Use asyncio.create_task() to schedule your coroutine.
  3. Continue with the rest of your program.

Code example:

import asyncio

async def my_coroutine():
    print("Hello, asyncio!")

event_loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
if event_loop.is_running():
    task = asyncio.create_task(my_coroutine())


Hello, asyncio!


  • Pros: Allows for concurrent coroutine execution without needing to manage multiple event loops.
  • Cons: Requires an already running event loop. This approach may not be suitable for standalone scripts where no event loop is initially running.

Solution 2: Running asyncio in a Thread

Create a new thread to run the event loop. This is particularly useful when working within a synchronous environment or when the primary event loop is already in use.

Steps to implement

  1. Import threading and asyncio.
  2. Create a new thread targeting a function that calls
  3. Start the thread and proceed with your program.

Code example

import threading
import asyncio

async def async_function():
    print('Async function!')

def run_async_function_in_thread():

thread = threading.Thread(target=run_async_function_in_thread)


Async function!


  • Pros: Enables running asynchronous code in synchronous environments without interrupting the main event loop. This method is suitable for integrating asynchronous operations into predominantly synchronous applications.
  • Cons: Managing threads can lead to complexity and overhead.

Solution 3: Refactor to Avoid Nested Event Loops

This involves changing the application’s structure to prevent the occurrence of nested event loops. Often, this means refactoring synchronous calls that initiate the coroutine, ensuring that is called at the highest level possible.

Steps to implement

  1. Analyze the application structure to identify where the event loops are being nested.
  2. Refactor the code to ensure that is ideally used once, at the start of the application.
  3. Make necessary adjustments to achieve an asynchronous flow throughout the application.

This approach fosters a better understanding of asynchronous programming in Python, making it the most comprehensive solution.


  • Pros: Eliminates the core issue by avoiding the nesting of event loops, promoting clean asynchronous design.
  • Cons: Might require significant refactoring and rethinking of the application architecture.