PyMongo: How to insert and update JSON data

Updated: February 8, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Working with MongoDB through Python requires an efficient and effective tool, and PyMongo stands out as a flagship library in this domain. PyMongo is a Python distribution containing tools for working with MongoDB, allowing for easy and intuitive interactions with the database. This tutorial aims to guide you through the processes of inserting and updating JSON data in MongoDB using PyMongo. We assume you have basic knowledge of Python and MongoDB and have both MongoDB and PyMongo installed and set up on your system.

Getting Started with PyMongo

Before jumping into inserting or updating data, let’s ensure we’re set up to work with PyMongo. First, you need to install PyMongo if you haven’t done so:

pip install pymongo

Next, establish a connection to your MongoDB server:

from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')

Now, select the database and collection you’ll be working with:

db = client['example_db']
collection = db['example_collection']

Inserting JSON Data

The first step in leveraging MongoDB’s potential is to insert data into the collection. In PyMongo, JSON data can be inserted using the insert_one() method for single documents or insert_many() method for multiple documents at once.

# Insert a single document
document = {'name': 'John Doe', 'email': '[email protected]', 'location': 'Earth'}

# Insert multiple documents at once
documents = [
    {'name': 'Jane Doe', 'email': '[email protected]', 'location': 'Mars'},
    {'name': 'John Smith', 'email': '[email protected]', 'location': 'Venus'}

After insertion, MongoDB automatically creates an _id field if it wasn’t explicitly included. This unique identifier is crucial for updates and deletes.

Updating JSON Data

Once data is inserted, it’s not uncommon to need updates to reflect changes or corrections. In PyMongo, there are several methods to achieve this:

# Update a single document
result = collection.update_one(
    {'name': 'John Doe'},
    {'$set': {'email': '[email protected]'}}
print(result.modified_count, 'document(s) updated')

# Update multiple documents
result = collection.update_many(
    {'location': 'Earth'},
    {'$set': {'location': 'Mars'}}
print(result.modified_count, 'document(s) updated')

To handle more complex updates or to update fields based on their current value, the $inc, $mul, and other operators can be utilized:

# Increment a field’s value
result = collection.update_one(
    {'name': 'John Doe'},
    {'$inc': {'age': 1}}
print(result.modified_count, 'document(s) updated')

Bulk Writing Operations

For applications requiring high-throughput data manipulation, PyMongo offers bulk write operations which allow for a combination of inserts, updates, and deletes to be executed in a single operation:

from pymongo import WriteConcern, BulkWriteOperation
bulk = collection.initialize_ordered_bulk_op()
bulk.insert({'name': 'New User', 'email': '[email protected]'})
bulk.find({'name': 'John Doe'}).update_one({'$set': {'email': '[email protected]'}})

Handling Errors

Inserting and updating data seamlessly is the goal, but it’s always wise to handle potential errors. PyMongo provides mechanisms for catching exceptions caused by incorrect operations or connection issues:

from pymongo.errors import PyMongoError
    collection.insert_one({'name': 'Error Test', 'email': '[email protected]'})
        {'name': 'Error Test'},
        {'$set': {'email': '[email protected]'}}
except PyMongoError as e:
    print(f'An error occurred: {e}')


Through this guide, you have explored PyMongo’s capabilities to insert and update JSON data within MongoDB, showcasing the library’s flexibility and ease of use. Understanding these operations is crucial for managing and maintaining dynamic data in a MongoDB database. With diligent practice and exploration, mastering these techniques will significantly enhance your data manipulation skills in MongoDB.