Python: How to define a regex-matched string type hint

Updated: February 14, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Type hinting in Python has evolved significantly over the years, providing developers with increased clarity and enabling improved code analysis and error detection capabilities. Python 3.5 introduced the typing module, which has paved the way for more expressive code annotations. However, one challenge has been the precise definition of string types that adhere to a specific pattern, such as regex patterns. In this tutorial, we delve into advanced techniques for defining regex-matched string type hints in Python, thereby enhancing your code’s readability and reliability.


  • Basic understanding of Python programming.
  • Familiarity with regular expressions (regex) in Python.
  • Python 3.6 or higher (examples will use Python 3.10 for the latest features).

Why Regex-Matched String Type Hints?

Before proceeding, it’s important to ask: Why bother with regex-matched string type hints? The answer lies in the specificity and clarity they provide. For instance, if you’re expecting a string argument to be formatted as an email address or a phone number, a regex-matched type hint can immediately inform the caller or the developer about the expected pattern, improving both code quality and developer experience.

Introducing typing.Annotated

In Python 3.9, the typing module introduced the Annotated type hint, allowing for richer annotations that can include additional context. This is particularly useful for regex-matched patterns. Essentially, you can now define a string type hint that specifies the regex pattern it should match.

Example 1: Email Address Format

import re
from typing import Annotated

EmailStr = Annotated[str, re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9.+_-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+$")]

def add_email_address(email: EmailStr):
   if not re.match(email.pattern, email):
       raise ValueError("Invalid email format")
   # proceed with the function logic

In this example, we use Annotated to define an EmailStr type hint that wraps a string expected to match an email address pattern. Notice how the regex pattern is directly embedded within the type hint, enhancing the readability and specificity of the function parameter.

Creating Custom Validators

Although Annotated enhances type hint expressiveness, a more comprehensive solution involves creating custom validators for more complex scenarios. This can be done by combining decorators and custom classes.

Example 2: Custom Validator for Email Format

import re
from functools import wraps

def validate_email(func):
    pattern = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9.+_-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+$")

    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        email = args[0]  # Assuming email is the first argument
        if not pattern.match(email):
            raise ValueError("Invalid email format")
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return wrapper

def add_email_address(email: str):
    # function logic

This example illustrates a more dynamic approach where a custom decorator validate_email is used to validate the email address format before the function executes. This method allows for more flexibility and reusability across different parts of your project.

Integrating with Pydantic

For projects utilizing Pydantic for data validation and settings management, integrating regex-matched string type hints can provide even more powerful functionality. Pydantic supports the use of ConstrainedStr for defining string fields with specific constraints, including regex patterns.

Example 3: Pydantic Model with Regex-Matched Field

from pydantic import BaseModel, constr

class User(BaseModel):
    email: constr(regex=r"^[a-zA-Z0-9.+_-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+$")

In this Pydantic example, the User model includes an email field that must match the specified regex pattern. Utilizing this approach within data models ensures that all instances of the model will adhere to the defined constraints, thereby improving data integrity throughout your application.

Limitations and Best Practices

While regex-matched string type hints enhance code clarity, they should be used judiciously. Overusing complex regex patterns in type hints can lead to decreased readability and increased complexity. It’s crucial to balance specificity with simplicity, ensuring that your code remains accessible to developers of all skill levels.


Python’s support for rich type hints, especially with the advent of the typing.Annotated and custom validators, offers a robust method for defining and enforcing regex-matched string patterns. By carefully leveraging these techniques, you can ensure that your functions and data models receive input that adheres to specified patterns, thereby improving the overall reliability and maintainability of your codebase. Remember, the goal of type hinting is to make your code clearer and more error-resistant, not to complicate it further. Choose the methods that best fit your project’s needs, and consider the maintainability of your code for future developers.