Python RuntimeError: directory changed during iteration

Updated: February 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

The RuntimeError: directory changed during iteration is a common issue that Python developers may encounter when working with file systems. This error occurs when a Python script is iterating over a directory’s contents and, at the same time, some changes happen to the directory’s content (like creation, deletion, or renaming of files). Understanding why it happens and knowing how to fix it is essential for smooth file handling in Python applications.

Possible Reasons

  • Concurrent Modifications: If your program itself or another program is modifying the directory (adding, removing, or renaming files) while it is being iterated.
  • Operating System Caching: Some operating systems might change the directory’s state due to caching mechanisms, leading to unexpected behavior during iteration.


Solution 1: Using List Before Iteration

By converting the directory iterator to a list at the beginning of the iteration, we make a snapshot of the directory contents, thus preventing the error.

  1. Get the directory path you want to iterate.
  2. Use the os.listdir() function to fetch all items in the directory and convert them to a list.
  3. Iterate over the list to process each file.


import os 

directory = '/path/to/directory' 
files_list = os.listdir(directory) 

for file in files_list: 

Note: This solution is simple and works for most cases but it might not be efficient for directories with a large number of files due to the initial overhead of fetching and listing all files.

Solution 2: Avoid Directories That Change

Avoid iterating over directories that are known to change frequently. If the directory’s contents are not expected to change, this error is less likely to occur.

Implementing this solution simply requires careful planning and avoiding such directories in your script.

  • Pros: It is a conceptual solution requiring no additional code, hence no added complexity to the base program.
  • Cons: It is not always possible or practical to avoid all mutating directories.

Solution 3: Handle Exceptions

Handling the RuntimeError directly using a try-except block can also be a workaround, allowing the program to continue even if the directory changes.

  1. Wrap the iteration logic in a try-except block.
  2. In the except block, decide on the recovery logic (e.g., retry iteration, log an error, etc.).


import os 

    for file in os.scandir('/path/to/directory'): 
except RuntimeError as e: 
    print("Directory changed during iteration. Skipping remaining files.")

Note: This solution allows for more granular control and handling but might mask issues in certain scenarios where directory contents should not change, potentially leading to inconsistent results or missed files.