MongoEngine DateTimeField – Tutorial & Examples

Updated: February 12, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


MongoDB, a leading NoSQL database, is widely known for its scalability and performance. To interact with MongoDB using Python, MongoEngine provides an Object-Document Mapping (ODM) framework, enabling Python developers to work with MongoDB documents as if they were Python objects. One of the critical aspects of working with databases is handling datetime fields, a common but sometimes tricky task. This tutorial dives into how to use the DateTimeField in MongoEngine effectively, presented through a series of examples that increase in complexity.

First, ensure you have MongoEngine installed in your environment:

pip install mongoengine

Basic Usage of DateTimeField

To start, let’s explore the basic usage of DateTimeField in a MongoEngine Document. DateTimeField is used to store datetime objects in MongoDB documents.

from mongoengine import Document, DateTimeField, connect


class Event(Document):
    event_datetime = DateTimeField(required=True)

# Creating and saving a document
new_event = Event(

In this example, we connect to a MongoDB database named your_database, define a document class Event with a DateTimeField, and create a new document by providing the current datetime using This is a straightforward use case demonstrating how to define and work with DateTimeField.

Querying Documents by DateTime

Often, you might need to query documents based on datetime criteria. MongoEngine makes it easy to perform such queries.

from datetime import datetime

# Query documents where event_datetime is greater than a specific date
events = Event.objects(event_datetime__gt=datetime(2023, 1, 1))
for event in events:

This example shows how to query documents in the Event collection where the event date is after January 1, 2023. The __gt operator stands for “greater than”.

Complex Queries and Operations

As you become more comfortable with the basics, you may encounter the need for more complex queries and operations involving DateTimeField. For instance, you might need to update the datetime for an event or filter documents within a specific range.

from mongoengine.queryset.visitor import Q

# Update the datetime for a specific event
event = Event.objects.get(id=event_id)
event.event_datetime =

# Query documents within a date range
events = Event.objects(Q(event_datetime__gte=datetime(2023,1,1)) & Q(event_datetime__lte=datetime(2023,12,31)))
for event in events:

In these examples, the first snippet demonstrates updating the DateTimeField for an existing document. The second snippet showcases how to perform a query that filters documents within a specified datetime range, using the __gte (greater than or equal to) and __lte (less than or equal to) operators in conjunction with the Q object for complex queries.

Time Zones and DateTimeField

Dealing with time zones is an essential aspect of handling datetime fields. MongoEngine’s DateTimeField supports time zone-aware datetime objects. Here’s how to work with time zones.

from pytz import timezone

# Storing a timezone-aware datetime
new_york = timezone('America/New_York')
aware_datetime = new_york.localize(

event = Event(event_datetime=aware_datetime)

# Querying with time zones
events = Event.objects(event_datetime__gte=aware_datetime)
for event in events:

This example demonstrates storing and querying time zone-aware datetime objects. It’s particularly useful in applications that span multiple time zones.

Advanced Uses: Aggregations and Date Operations

For advanced use cases, you may need to perform operations on dates, such as counting documents by month or year, or filtering documents by parts of the date. MongoEngine supports an array of aggregation framework operations.

from mongoengine.aggregation import Match, Group

# Group documents by year
pipeline = [
    Group({'year': {'$year': '$event_datetime'}}, count={'$sum': 1})

results = Event.objects.aggregate(*pipeline)
for result in results:

This snippet illustrates how to use MongoEngine’s aggregation framework to group documents by the year part of their DateTimeField. This is powerful for generating summaries or reports based on time.


Handling datetime fields with MongoEngine provides a robust solution for managing datetime data in MongoDB through Python. Through this tutorial, we’ve explored how to define DateTimeFields, perform queries, and utilise date and time operations for various use cases. Leveraging these capabilities can significantly enhance the functionality and efficiency of your database operations.