Data Types in Doctrine: A Complete Guide

Updated: January 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Doctrine is a powerful object-relational mapper (ORM) for PHP that provides a flexible layer for accessing and manipulating databases. Understanding data types in Doctrine is fundamental for developers who are looking to optimize their database interaction. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore various data types supported by Doctrine and how they can be utilized effectively in your application.

Getting Started with Doctrine Data Types

Data types in Doctrine are used to represent and convert data between PHP and the database layer accurately. They serve as a contract ensuring that the data being operated on fits within the expected boundaries. Each data type in Doctrine is associated with a PHP equivalent and a database type, providing a crucial abstraction layer.

Basic Data Types

At its core, Doctrine offers several basic data types such as integers, strings, booleans, and floats. These are straightforward mappings to their database counterparts:

  • integer
  • string
  • boolean
  • float

Doctrine Field Mappings

When defining entity fields within Doctrine, you assign each field a specific data type. This is done within the annotations, YAML configuration files, or XML mappings, and it ensures that the corresponding database columns will handle the data appropriately.

 * @ORM\Column(type="string")
 * @var string
protected $name;

Complex Data Types

Doctrine also supports more complex data types, such as objects and arrays. These types are serialized upon storage and deserialized when retrieved, allowing for object-like operations within entities:

  • array
  • json
  • object

Custom Data Types

In addition to the predefined data types, Doctrine allows you to define custom data types. You can register a new type with the Type class and implement conversion logic that suits your application’s needs. This ensures that you’re not limited by the conventional data types and their associated constraints.

Doctrine Data Type Conversions

Type conversions in Doctrine take place during the process of hydrating results from the database into PHP objects and persisting PHP objects back into the database. The ORM uses the convertToPHPValue and convertToDatabaseValue methods for these operations.

Type Configuration

The Types configuration class allows developers to configure data types across the application:

Type::addType('custom_type', 'My\CustomType');

Dealing with Date and Time

Date and time are integral parts of most applications and come with their challenges. Doctrine offers specific data types to handle various temporal values such as:

  • date
  • datetime
  • datetimetz
  • time


 * @ORM\Column(type="datetime")
 * @var \DateTimeInterface
protected $createdAt;

Enum Types and Doctrine

Enum types, which are used to define a set of predefined values, are not natively supported in Doctrine. However, they can still be implemented through custom mapping types. This allows for more expressiveness and better data integrity.

Mapping Enums:

Type::addType('enum_status', 'My\EnumType');

Binary Data Types

For handling binary data such as images or documents, Doctrine supports the following:

  • blob
  • binary


 * @ORM\Column(type="blob")
 * @var resource
protected $file;

Choosing the Right Data Type

Selecting the correct data type for each entity property is essential for optimal performance and data integrity. Consider each field’s data constraints and choose the most appropriate Doctrine type.


In summary, Doctrine’s data types are robust and offer a wide spectrum of use cases, catering from the simplest to the most complex data needs. Whether you stick to basic data types or extend with custom ones, understanding and correctly applying these data types will save you time and shield your application from data-related issues.

Doctrine is not just about mapping to database types; it’s about leveraging the power of PHP to ensure that your data behaves the way you expect once it’s brought into the realm of your application. This complete guide should serve as an entry point to thoroughly grasp the significance and application of each data type within the Doctrine ORM, aiding you in building a solid data foundation for your PHP projects.