Explore Attributes (Annotations) in Modern PHP (5 examples)

Updated: February 20, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


With the advent of PHP 8.x, the language introduced a game-changing feature known as Attributes, or previously known in other languages as Annotations. This significant addition brought a more native and sophisticated way to add meta-data to classes, properties, methods, and more, without resorting to PHPDoc comments or other external tools. This feature not only improves code readability and maintainability but also opens up a myriad of possibilities for custom functionality. This tutorial will guide you through the basics to more complex uses of Attributes in PHP 8, enhanced with practical examples.

What are Attributes?

Attributes provide a way to attach metadata to PHP’s structural elements, like classes, interfaces, traits, methods, and properties. This metadata can then be inspected at runtime using reflection, allowing developers to tailor the behavior of their applications in more sophisticated ways. Before diving into the examples, it is crucial to understand the syntax of Attributes. They are denoted by square brackets and can take arguments, both positional and named.

Basic Attribute Usage

Example 1: Defining and Accessing a Simple Attribute

class MyAttribute {}

class MyClass {
    public $myProperty;

// Reflection
$reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass(MyClass::class);
$attributes = $reflectionClass->getAttributes();

foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {

This basic example shows how to define and apply a simple Attribute to a property. Using reflection, we can inspect and instantiate the applied Attributes at runtime.

Using Attributes for Validation

Example 2: Attribute-based Property Validation

class ValidateString {
    public function __construct(public int $minLength, public int $maxLength) {}

class MyEntity {
    #[ValidateString(minLength: 3, maxLength: 20)]
    public $name;

// Validation logic here

This example demonstrates how Attributes can be used for validating entity properties. The ValidateString Attribute checks that a string property meets specified length criteria.

Routing with Attributes

Example 3: Simplifying Routing with Attributes

class Route {
    public function __construct(public string $path) {}

class MyController {
    public function myAction() {}

// Typical routing setup here

In this example, the Route Attribute is utilized to define routing paths directly in controller classes and methods, which simplifies the routing setup significantly and keeps the routes close to their handlers.

Events and Listeners

Example 4: Utilizing Attributes for Event Handling

class ListenTo {
    public function __construct(public string $eventName) {}

class EventManager {
     // Method to register event listeners

class MyListener {
    public function onUserCreated() {}

// Event manager setup here

This example illustrates how Attributes can be used to bind event listeners to specific events in a more declarative manner. By simply annotating a method with an event name, the event management system can discover and register the listener automatically.

Advanced Custom Attributes

Example 5: Creating Advanced Custom Attributes

class SecureAction {
    public function __construct(private string $role) {}

// In an imaginary framework
class AdminController {   
    public function secureMethod() {}

// Access control logic here

This advanced example showcases how custom Attributes can enforce access control in applications. By annotating controller classes or methods with security roles, it becomes easier to centralize and manage access control logic consistently across the application.


Attributes in PHP 8 introduce a more elegant way to include meta-data in our PHP code. By understanding and effectively leveraging Attributes, developers can write more concise, readable, and maintainable code. This guide has only scratched the surface, but it highlights the versatility and power of Attributes for a wide range of use cases.