PHP: Get nth character of a string

Updated: January 10, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Working with strings is a common task for any PHP developer. Often, you might find yourself needing to access a particular character within a string. This tutorial will guide you through multiple methods for retrieving the nth character of a string in PHP.

Using the String Offset

The simplest way to retrieve the nth character of a string in PHP is by using string offset access with square brackets [].

$string = 'Hello, World!';
$n = 7;
$nthChar = $string[$n - 1];
echo $nthChar; // Outputs: 'W'

Note that indexing starts at 0. Hence, to access the 7th character, you use 6 as the index.

Working with mb_substr

If you’re handling multibyte character sets like UTF-8, it’s safer to use the multibyte string functions.

$string = 'Hello, World!';
$n = 7;
$nthChar = mb_substr($string, $n - 1, 1, 'UTF-8');
echo $nthChar; // Outputs 'W'

The mb_substr function is more appropriate since it deals with multibyte characters correctly.

Using substr for Single-byte Strings

For single-byte strings, the substr function can be used to achieve a similar outcome as mb_substr for multibyte strings.

$string = 'Hello, World!';
$n = 7;
$nthChar = substr($string, $n - 1, 1);
echo $nthChar; // Outputs 'W'

While substr works well with single-byte strings, it can yield unexpected results for strings containing multibyte characters.

Utilizing a Iterative Approach

Another way to access the nth character is by converting the string into an array using str_split and then accessing the nth index.

$string = 'Hello, World!';
$n = 7;
$characters = str_split($string);
$nthChar = $characters[$n - 1];
echo $nthChar; // Outputs 'W'

However, this method might not be the most efficient for long strings as it converts the entire string to an array.

Character Iteration with a Loop

For a more hands-on approach, you can iterate through the string using a loop and count up to the nth character.

$string = 'Hello, World!';
$n = 7;
$nthChar = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++) {
  if ($i === $n - 1) {
    $nthChar = $string[$i];
echo $nthChar; // Outputs: 'W'

This method is flexible but less efficient for large strings or high n values.

Advanced: Regex to Find nth Character

For an advanced method, you can use regular expressions to match the nth character.

$string = 'Hello, World!';
$n = 7;
if (preg_match('/^.{' . ($n - 1) . '}(.)/us', $string, $matches)) {
  $nthChar = $matches[1];
echo $nthChar; // Outputs: 'W'

This approach might not be necessary for simple character retrieval but demonstrates the power of regex for complex string manipulations.

Best Practices for String Manipulation

When manipulating strings in PHP:

  • Consider the encoding of the string.
  • Prefer built-in string functions for performance.
  • Be wary of off-by-one errors with indexing.

Performance Considerations

Different methods may be suitable based on the size of the string and the position of the target character. Be mindful of the memory and time complexity when choosing your approach.


The accessibility of string characters is a fundamental feature of PHP, and by using one of the methods highlighted in this tutorial, you can effectively retrieve the nth character of a string. Remember to consider the nature of the string and choose the appropriate function for efficiency and correctness.