Symfony: How to use aliases for a service

Updated: January 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Managing services in Symfony can be greatly enhanced by the use of aliases. This tutorial will guide you through the process of utilizing aliases for services in Symfony from basic to advanced usage. By the end of this tutorial, you should have a clear understanding of how to leverage aliases to create more maintainable and flexible service definitions.

Understanding Service Aliases in Symfony

Service aliases are a powerful feature in Symfony’s Dependency Injection container that allows you to refer to a service by multiple names. This can be extremely useful for making your application more flexible and for working with third-party bundles.

So why use an alias? Consider the following scenarios:

  • You wish to replace a service in different environments (such as mock vs production versions).
  • You want to refactor the name of a service but maintain backward compatibility.
  • You’re looking to create a simpler or more semantic name for a verbose service id.

Basic Alias Creation

Let’s start by defining a basic service and then creating an alias for that service in Symfony.

# config/services.yaml
    class: App\Service\MyService

# alias for my_service
    alias: my_service

In this example, my_service is the original service id, and my_service_alias is the alias. You can now access your service using either the id or the alias.

Here’s how you would get the service using the alias:

$myService = $container->get('my_service_alias');

Aliasing Third-Party Bundle Services

Aliases are also useful when you want to simplify or standardize access to services provided by third-party bundles. Consider the following:

# config/services.yaml
    alias: acme_bundle.service.identifier

Now, instead of referencing the lengthy acme_bundle.service.identifier, you can just reference acme_service.

Argument Replacement

Aliases can also carry over when specifying arguments for services.

# config/services.yaml
    class: App\Service\CustomService
    arguments: ['@my_service_alias']

The @my_service_alias tells Symfony to inject the service known by the alias rather than directly specifying the id.

Advanced Usage: Public and Private Aliases

In Symfony, services are private by default, meaning they cannot be accessed directly from the container outside of the service itself. An alias can change this behavior.

To create a public alias:

# config/services.yaml
    alias: actual_service
    public: true

This allows you to get the actual_service directly, even though it’s defined as private by default.

Deprecating Aliases

When a service has been renamed or is no longer needed, you can deprecate the old alias to inform developers that they should no longer be using the old service id. Here’s how:

# config/services.yaml
    alias: new_service
    deprecated: 'The "%service_id%" service alias is deprecated. Use "new_service" instead.'

This will trigger a deprecation warning when the deprecated_service_alias is used.


Service aliases in Symfony create a layer of abstraction that can help improve the maintainability of your application by providing clear, flexible, and semantic service references. They’re a simple yet powerful tool that can adapt your service architecture to the evolving needs of your project.