Laravel: Render links with dynamic href attributes in Blade

Updated: January 18, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Laravel’s Blade templating engine is a powerful tool for constructing your application’s user interface with plain PHP. One common requirement in web applications is to render links dynamically, which involves generating URLs based on certain conditions or parameters. In this tutorial, we will cover various methods to create dynamic href attributes in Blade views with practical code examples.

Before we start, ensure you have a working Laravel installation and are familiar with the basics of the Blade syntax for templating.

Basic Dynamic href in Blade

First, let’s look at the most basic way of rendering a dynamic link: using the {{ }} syntax to insert a PHP variable into the href attribute.

<a href="{{ $url }}">Click Me</a>

Assuming $url is passed to the Blade view, the link will render with the dynamic URL.

Route Helper

In many cases, URLs correspond to named routes in your Laravel application. The route() helper function generates a URL for a given named route.

<a href="{{ route('') }}">Go to Route</a>

If the route includes required parameters, pass them as the second argument:

<a href="{{ route('', ['id' => $id]) }}">Go to ID</a>

Using the url Helper

The url() helper function generates a fully qualified URL to the given path.

<a href="{{ url('/path') }}">Visit Path</a>

To generate a URL for a specific resource:

<a href="{{ url('/resource/' . $id) }}">View Resource</a>

Asset Helper for Static Resources

The asset() helper function provides a convenient way to generate URLs for your application’s assets without worrying about the filesystem configuration or the server context.

<a href="{{ asset('path/to/asset.css') }}">Load Asset</a>

Dynamic href with Conditional Attributes

Often, you’ll need to conditionally add attributes to your anchor tags based on some logic. Blade’s @isset directive can help:

<a href="{{ isset($user) ? uri_as_string }}" class="{{ isset($active) ? 'active' : '' }}">Profile</a>

Looping Through Collections

When you need to render multiple links from a collection: <ul> @foreach ($items as $item) <li><a href=”{{ route(‘’, $item) }}”>{{ $item->name }}</a></li> @endforeach </ul>

Action Helper

The action() helper is an alternative to the route() helper, generating a URL for the given controller action.

<a href="{{ action('HomeController@index') }}">Home</a>

If your controller action accepts parameters, the action helper will take care of these:

<a href="{{ action('UserController@show', ['id' => $user->id]) }}">View User</a>

Advanced Route Parameters

If your route parameters need to be encoded or processed, take care to make these changes before passing them to the route() or action() helpers:

$filter = base64_encode(json_encode($filters)); 
<a href="{{ route('items.index', ['filters' => $filter]) }}">Filtered Items</a>

Combining with Javascript

If you need to tie in JavaScript functionality with your dynamic links for things like AJAX calls or dynamic page updates, it’s easy to do so:

<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="loadContent('{{ route('') }}');">Load More Items</a>


Throughout this tutorial, you’ve learned a variety of approaches for creating dynamic href attributes within your Blade templates. With the power of Blade and the flexibility of Laravel’s URL generation, you can easily create clean, maintainable links for all types of scenarios. Remember to sanitize and encode any user-generated content within URLs to ensure security. Happy coding!

Feel free to experiment further with the examples above, and try integrating them into your Laravel applications.