PHP var_dump() Function: Explanation with Examples

Updated: January 9, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


The var_dump() function in PHP is a critical debugging tool that displays structured information about one or more expressions, including its type and value. In the following tutorial, we will delve into practical examples of how to use var_dump() to streamline the development process.

Introduction to var_dump()

In PHP, debugging is an inevitable part of development. As you write scripts and applications, you need tools to inspect variables and data structures. The var_dump() function serves as one of these valuable tools by providing detailed insights into the contents of a variable. It’s especially useful in environments where you don’t have access to more sophisticated debugging tools.

The basic syntax of the var_dump() function is as follows:


This function will output the type, size, and value of the given $variable. We’ll begin our exploration with some simple examples before moving on to more complex scenarios.

Basic Usage of var_dump()

Example 1: Dumping a String Variable

$greeting = "Hello, World!";
// output: string(13) "Hello, World!"

In the first example, we examine a straightforward string variable. Upon calling var_dump(), it reveals the variable’s type (string) and also shows the string’s length.

Example 2: Dumping an Integer Variable

$age = 25;
// output: int(25)

This example depicts how var_dump() handles an integer. This time, we get the type (int) followed by its value.

Example 3: Dumping an Array

$colors = array("red", "green", "blue");
/* output:
array(3) {
  string(3) "red"
  string(5) "green"
  string(4) "blue"

An array dumps show each element’s key and value, as well as types and lengths for each value. This detailed output aids in understanding the structure and contents of arrays.

Advanced var_dump() Usage

Moving on to more complex data types and scenarios, let’s consider objects and functions that modify the default behavior of var_dump().

Example 4: Dumping an Object

class Fruit {
  public $name;
  public $color;

  public function __construct($name, $color) {
    $this->name = $name;
    $this->color = $color;

$apple = new Fruit("Apple", "Red");
/* output:
object(Fruit)#1 (2) {
  string(5) "Apple"
  string(3) "Red"

Objects are more complex than primitive types, and var_dump() outputs both public and private properties, including their values and visibility.

Example 5: Customizing var_dump() with xdebug

Installing the xdebug extension can enhance the output of var_dump() with improved formatting and coloring. The customization settings are available within your php.ini file, where you can tweak the display settings to your liking.

Conditional Dumping

Sometimes you may not want to execute var_dump() unconditionally. Here’s an example showing conditional dumping:

// Dump a variable only when debugging is enabled
$debugMode = true;

if ($debugMode) {
  $userData = array("username" => "john_doe", "id" => 23);
/* output when $debugMode is true:
array(2) {
  string(8) "john_doe"

Example 6: Suppressing var_dump() Output

When running scripts in a production environment, it’s common practice to suppress diagnostic output like that from var_dump(). The following snippet demonstrates how to mute the function:

ob_start(); // Start output buffering
ob_get_clean(); // Discard the buffer


The var_dump() function in PHP is a versatile tool that can significantly aid in debugging by showing a variable’s data type and value. From basic usage on strings and integers to more complex examples illustrating arrays, objects, and even extending functionality with xdebug, var_dump() remains a PHP developer’s trusty companion. Remember to use this function judiciously and always consider output suppression techniques in a production environment.