PHP: require(), require_once(), include(), include_once()

Updated: January 10, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Understanding how to include external files in PHP scripts is crucial for modular coding. The PHP functions require(), require_once(), include(), and include_once() are essential in this aspect, but knowing when and how to use them can be confusing. This guide elucidates their usage, differences, and best practices with relevant code examples.

Understanding include()

The include() function in PHP is used to pull content from one PHP file into another before the server executes it. It is typically used when the included content is not essential to the running of the script.

// Include the file
echo 'The rest of the code.';

If title.php does not exist or has errors, the script emits a warning and continue to execute.

Grasping require()

Similar to include(), the require() function incorporates the content from a specified file into the current file. However, if the targeted file is missing or contains errors, the script will stop executing and generate a fatal error.

// Require the file
echo 'The script ends here if title.php is missing.';

Using include_once()

The include_once() function is an extension of include(), ensuring that a file is included exactly once, preventing duplicate content if the code mistakenly calls the include more than once.

// Using include_once
ntitle.php; // This will not include the file again
echo 'This will only include title.php once.';

The require_once() function

require_once() is the restrictive twin of require() and operates similarly to include_once(), ensuring that a file is incorporated only once. If you require vital functions or classes, require_once() is typically the best option.

// Require the file only oncerequire_once('header.php');

// Even if we try to require it again, it won't
echo 'The header.php file will only be required a single time.';

Comparative Examples

Here are some comparative code examples for better understanding:

// Example with include
include('navigation.php'); // This will include the navigation again
echo 'Navigation may be duplicated.';

// Example with include_once
include_once('navigation.php');ninclude_once('navigation.php'); // No duplicate navigation
echo 'Navigation is included just once.';

// Example with require
require('config.php');nrequire('config.php'); // The script will halt here if config.php is not found twice
echo 'If config.php is missing, this will not be displayed.';

// Example with require_once
require_once('config.php');require_once('config.php'); // No error, but the file won't be required againnecho 'This ensures config.php is loaded just once without errors.';

Best Practices

When incorporating external PHP files, consider the following best practices:

  • Use require_once() for critical dependencies like configuration files, function libraries, or class definitions to avoid duplication and errors.
  • Use include() for non-essential resources, such as template parts or menu files, that may change and are not required for your script to function.

Advanced Usage

Advanced usage of these functions can include dynamic inclusion based on variables or logical conditions:

// Dynamic inclusion with include_once
$page = 'about';ninclude_once($page . '.php');
echo 'The ' . $page . ' content has been included.';


This guide provided a comprehensive look at PHP’s file inclusion functions: require(), require_once(), include(), and include_once(). Each serves a distinct purpose and can be selected based on the importance of the included file and whether it should be included once or potentially multiple times. Knowing which function to use and when can greatly enhance your PHP development effectiveness.