PHP Algorithms: Weighted Random Selections

Updated: January 14, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Implementing randomness in applications can lead to a more dynamic and engaging user experience. When it comes to randomness, not all choices are made equal—some options may need to be selected more frequently than others. This concept is integral to weighted random selections, an algorithmic pattern where probabilities are not uniform but are assigned based on weights. This tutorial will guide you through the process of implementing weighted random selection algorithms using PHP.

Understanding Weighted Random Selection

In weighted random selection, each element in a set is assigned a weight that represents its probability of being chosen. The higher the weight, the more probable it is that the element will be selected. Normal random selection treats each possibility with an equal likelihood, but the ‘weighted’ aspect tips the scale in favor of certain elements.

Consider a simple contest where prizes are distributed based on a weighted random algorithm. Let’s say that the prizes include a car, a bike, and a set of stickers. You can assign a higher weight to the stickers, as they’re less valuable and you have more of them to give away, potentially a lower weight to the bike, and the lowest to the car since it’s the most valuable and likely the rarest. This ensures that while everyone has a chance at receiving any prize, the distribution is not completely random and is instead controlled and intentional.

Simple Weighted Random Example

function simpleWeightedRandom(array $weights) {
    $totalWeight = array_sum($weights);
    $random = mt_rand(1, $totalWeight);
    foreach ($weights as $key => $weight) {
        if ($random <= $weight) {
            return $key;
        $random -= $weight;

// Define weights
$items = ['car' => 1, 'bike' => 3, 'stickers' => 10];

// Get a weighted random item
$winner = simpleWeightedRandom($items);

echo 'Winner prize: ' . $winner . "\n";

This basic example of a weighted random selection function operates by first summarizing the total weight. It then generates a random integer within this range. By iterating over the weight set and progressively reducing the random number by the weight of each element, the function arrives at the weighted random choice.

Optimizing the Algorithm

The simple algorithm provided above works well for small sets but could be inefficient for larger ones, since it performs linearly with the number of elements. For improved performance with large datasets, we could optimize our approach. One such method is using a binary search which reduces the selection process to a logarithmic time complexity.

Building a Cumulative Weight Array

To prepare for a more efficient algorithm, we first need to convert our weights into a cumulative array. This will transform our list of weights into a running total which can then be used in conjunction with a binary search.

function cumulativeWeights(array $weights) {
    $cumulative = [];
    $total = 0;
    foreach ($weights as $item => $weight) {
        $total += $weight;
        $cumulative[$item] = $total;
    return $cumulative;

$items = ['car' => 1, 'bike' => 3, 'stickers' => 10];
$cumulativeWeights = cumulativeWeights($items);

Binary Search for Weighted Random Selection

Now that we have a cumulative weight array, we can perform a binary search to find our weighted random selection. By repeatedly halving our dataset and comparing the randomly generated number against the middle element of the set, we can efficiently locate our desired weight threshold.

function binaryWeightedRandom(array $cumulativeWeights) {
    $totalWeight = end($cumulativeWeights);
    $random = mt_rand(1, $totalWeight);
    $low = 0;
    $high = count($cumulativeWeights) - 1;

    while ($low < $high) {
        $mid = $low + (($high - $low) >> 1);
        if ($random > $cumulativeWeights[$mid]) {
            $low = $mid + 1;
        } else {
            $high = $mid;
    return array_keys($cumulativeWeights)[$high];

$winner = binaryWeightedRandom($cumulativeWeights);

echo 'Winner prize: ' . $winner . "\n";

This optimized version of the weighted random selection process will deal much better with large sets of data, providing your application with both the randomness and efficiency it requires.

Considerations and Potential Pitfalls

When implementing a weighted random selection algorithm, it is crucial to ensure that the total weight is not too large to handle for your PHP runtime, particularly if dealing with 32-bit systems. Additionally, if your weights come as floating-point numbers or they vary by significant magnitudes, you might need a more sophisticated approach to avoid precision errors or arithmetic overflow.

When crafting an algorithm for your specific use-case, consider edge cases and explicitly define the behavior when encountering zero or negative weights. Continuously test the function with a variety of weight distributions to confirm its behavior aligns with expectations.


Weighted random selections can be utilitarian for a variety of applications, from gaming to load balancing. The simplicity or complexity of the implementation will largely depend on the size of the dataset and the performance requirements of your application. With an understanding of this fundamental technique, PHP developers can harness the power of weighted probability to enrich application logic and control randomness in a meaningful way.