Laravel query builder: Get the latest/oldest record from table

Updated: January 16, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


The Laravel framework provides an elegant and convenient way of interacting with databases using its facade, Eloquent, which includes a powerful query builder. This tutorial serves as a comprehensive guide on using the Laravel query builder to fetch the latest or oldest records from a database table. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, understanding how to effectively use these methods will enhance your web application’s ability to interact with data.

Understanding the Query Builder

Laravel’s query builder offers a fluent and expressive API to build and execute database queries. It simplifies tasks commonly needed in web development such as data retrieval, aggregation, and manipulation.

Fetching the Latest Record

To get the most recent record from a table, you might use the latest() method, which orders records by the created timestamp in descending order.

$latestRecord = DB::table('posts')->latest()->first();

This will retrieve the latest post assuming that your table has created_at timestamps. The first() method fetches the first record from the result set, which is the latest due to our ordering.

Customizing the Timestamp Field

You can also specify a custom column to determine the latest record:

$latestRecord = DB::table('posts')->latest('published_at')->first();

This would use the published_at field to find the latest post.

Fetching the Oldest Record

Similarly, to get the oldest record from a table, use the oldest() method:

$oldestRecord = DB::table('posts')->oldest()->first();

The oldest() method orders the records by the recorded timestamp in ascending order, and the first() fetches the oldest record from the resulting ordered set.

Using Eloquent Models

Laravel’s Eloquent models provide a more object-oriented way of fetching the latest and oldest records.

$latestPost = Post::latest()->first();
$oldestPost = Post::oldest()->first();

Here, Post is an Eloquent model representing the posts table. Notice how we’re able to chain method calls fluently.

Advanced Usage

Sometimes you may want to perform more complex queries. For instance, you could retrieve the latest record with a certain condition.

$latestActivePost = Post::where('is_active', true)->latest()->first();

In this example, we’re obtaining the latest post that is marked as ‘active’ within the database.

Aggregating Data

Query builder methods can be combined with aggregation methods like count(), max(), and min().

$numberOfPosts = Post::count();
$latestPublishedDate = Post::latest('published_at')->value('published_at');

This could be useful to find out how many posts there are in total and to get the most recent ‘published_at’ value in a single query.

Comparing Latest and Oldest

If you want to compare the latest and oldest records according to different criteria, you can do so like this:

$latestByUpdate = Post::latest('updated_at')->first();
$oldestByCreation = Post::oldest('created_at')->first();

This will fetch the post with the most recent update and the post that was created first.

Considerations for Performance

When dealing with large datasets, performance can become a concern. Ensure you have proper indexing on the database fields used for sorting (like created_at or updated_at) to speed up the querying process.

Refactoring Queries

Sometimes it’s more efficient to run a raw database query. Here’s how you could refactor a query to use raw SQL:

$latestPost = DB::select(DB::raw('SELECT * FROM posts ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 1'))[0];

However, remember that using raw queries can expose your application to SQL injection if not handled correctly. Always prefer the query builder methods to avoid such vulnerabilities.


In this tutorial, we have explored several ways to retrieve the latest and oldest records using Laravel’s query builder and Eloquent models. With proper application, these methods can greatly simplify your database interactions and make your application’s data processing more efficient.