Eloquent: How to retrieve last/first record from table

Updated: January 16, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Eloquent ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) is a powerful and convenient way to interact with databases in Laravel applications. Among the many tasks that Eloquent can help with, a common one is retrieving the last or first record from a database table. Whether you need to display the most recently registered user, the first order ever made, or just the freshest blog post, Eloquent makes this process incredibly easy and intuitive.

In this tutorial, we’ll explore various ways to retrieve the last or first record from a database table using Eloquent. We’ll also discuss best practices, edge cases, and advanced scenarios to thoroughly understand how to effectively leverage this feature in your Laravel applications.

Basic First and Last Record Retrieval

Retrieving the first and last records from a table is straightforward with Eloquent’s first() and latest() methods.

Consider a blog where you want to fetch the most recent post. Here’s the basic usage with output:

$latestPost = Post::latest()->first();
if ($latestPost) {
    echo $latestPost; // Outputs the latest post object

If you want the first post ever published, you can use the first() method:

$firstPost = Post::first();
if ($firstPost) {
    echo $firstPost; // Outputs the first post object

Note that by default, latest() and oldest() operate on the created_at column. If your table doesn’t have a created_at column or you want to use a different column, you can pass the column name as an argument:

$latestPostByTitle = Post::latest('title')->first();

Advanced Record Retrieval Techniques

There are situations where the basic techniques don’t suffice, and you may need to enlist more advanced methods to accomplish your goal.

Using orderBy and take

If you need more control over the sorting criteria, you can use the orderBy method combined with take:

$latestPosts = Post::orderBy('publish_date', 'DESC')->take(1)->get();

This approach can be beneficial if you have multiple criteria for determining what the “last” record means.

Selective Column Retrieval

Sometimes, especially with large tables, it may be advantageous only to retrieve specific columns:

$latestPostTitle = Post::latest()->first(['title', 'publish_date']);
if ($latestPostTitle) {
    echo $latestPostTitle; // Outputs a reduced post object with only 'title' and 'publish_date'

Utilizing Relationships

Eloquent relations add another layer of complexity to retrieving records:

$user = User::with(['posts' => function($query) {

To retrieve the recent post for a specific user, you would use the with method coupled with the relationship.

Performance Considerations and Best Practices

While Eloquent provides a simple and clean way to work with your database, it’s also essential to consider performance. Using first() on a large table can be slow if proper indexing is not in place. Always ensure that the columns you’re ordering by are indexed to speed up the query.

For retrieving the very first or very last record, consider caching the record data if it changes infrequently. This way, you avoid unnecessary database queries on frequently accessed data.


In this tutorial, we covered the basics of using Eloquent to retrieve the first and last records from a table. We also delved into advanced retrieval techniques and touched on performance considerations and best practices. By understanding these concepts, you can efficiently find the records you need and secure your application’s performance.