PHP echo vs print: What’s the Difference?

Updated: January 10, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In the world of PHP, ‘echo’ and ‘print’ are both used to output data to the screen. For any newbie in PHP, this often leads to confusion: what exactly is the difference, and when should one be used over the other? This article dives into the specifics of ‘echo’ and ‘print’, comparing their syntax, performance, and use cases to clarify the distinctions.

Understanding echo

echo is a language construct in PHP that is used to output one or more strings. It’s not actually a function, so you don’t need to use parentheses with it. ‘echo’ can take multiple parameters, although such usage is rare.

echo 'Hello, World!';
echo 'This ', 'is ', 'a ', 'test.';
Syntaxecho ( string $arg1 [, string $… ] ) : void
Return Typevoid
# of ParametersUnlimited

Understanding print

print is also a language construct but can be used as if it were a function. Unlike ‘echo’, ‘print’ can only take one argument and always returns 1, making it behave like a function that evaluates to a value, thus can be used in expressions.

print 'Hello, World!';
$result = print 'This will return 1';
Syntaxprint ( string $arg ) : int
Return Typeint
# of Parameters1

Performance Comparison

There is a common belief that ‘echo’ is faster than ‘print’ because ‘echo’ does not return any value and therefore uses less resources. While this might be theoretically true, the performance difference is negligible in most cases and should not be a deciding factor when choosing between the two.

Syntax Differences

One obvious syntax difference is that ‘echo’ can accept multiple parameters while ‘print’ cannot. This means that if you have to concatenate several strings before outputting them, ‘echo’ could be more concise.

Use Cases: When to Use echo vs print

‘echo’ is simply more common and is typically used in most output scenarios in PHP. ‘print’, on the other hand, can be useful when you need to check if the output operation was successful, due to its ability to return 1.

Putting It into Practice

For beginners, it might be easier to remember that ‘print’ only takes one parameter and returns a value – therefore, if you need to control the flow or perform a check, ‘print’ would be the way to go. Otherwise, ‘echo’ might be your standard go-to for outputting data since it’s marginally faster and the syntax is slightly more flexible.

echo and print in Complex Expressions

‘echo’ cannot be used in complex expressions where an actual function call is required, as it isn’t a real function. ‘print’, behaving as a function that returns a value, can indeed be used in expressions. Here’s an example with a ternary operator where using ‘print’ can make sense:

$success = $condition ? print 'Message if true' : false;

Advanced Features

Both ‘echo’ and ‘print’ can be used with shorthand syntax in PHP scripts embedded in HTML. The shorthand syntax, however, is not recommended for plain PHP files, as it might be less readable and confusing to some developers.


In conclusion, while the differences between ‘echo’ and ‘print’ in PHP are minimal, they do exist. Literally speaking, ‘echo’ is slightly faster and can output multiple strings whereas ‘print’ can be used in expressions due to its return value. Ultimately, the choice between ‘echo’ and ‘print’ is often one of preference unless your specific use case demands the capacities of one over the other.