Event Listeners and Subscribers in Symfony: A Practical Guide (with Examples)

Updated: January 14, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Introduction to Symfony Events

Symfony’s event dispatcher component is a powerful tool for developing decoupled applications. It allows different parts of your application to communicate with each other by dispatching events and listening to them. In this guide, we’ll look into how to utilize event listeners and subscribers to hook into Symfony’s event dispatching mechanism.

Understanding Events

Events in Symfony are specific points in the execution of an application, such as the completion of a request or the update of an entity. Developers can dispatch custom events or utilize ones provided by Symfony and attach listener logic to them.

Event Listeners Explained

An event listener is a PHP callable that is notified when an event it’s registered to listen for is dispatched. Here’s how to define an event listener:

namespace App\EventListener;

use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\ResponseEvent;

class ResponseListener
    public function onKernelResponse(ResponseEvent $event)
        // ... modify the response object

To register this listener for the kernel.response event, you would add the following to services.yaml:

            - { name: 'kernel.event_listener', event: 'kernel.response', method: 'onKernelResponse' }

Event Subscribers Explained

An event subscriber is a class that implements the EventSubscriberInterface and defines a method for subscribing to one or more events. Here’s how to create one:

namespace App\EventSubscriber;

use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\ResponseEvent;

class AppSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
    public static function getSubscribedEvents()
        return [
            'kernel.response' => 'onKernelResponse',

    public function onKernelResponse(ResponseEvent $event)
        // ... modify the response object

You don’t need to manually tag the subscriber as the framework will automatically recognize and register it.

Creating Custom Events

You can also create custom events in Symfony. Here’s an example:

namespace App\Event;

use Symfony\Contracts\EventDispatcher\Event;

class PostCreatedEvent extends Event
    public const NAME = 'post.created';

    protected $post;

    public function __construct(Post $post)
        $this->$post = $post;

    public function getPost()
        return $this->post;

To dispatch the PostCreatedEvent, you will use the event dispatcher:

$event = new PostCreatedEvent($post);
$eventDispatcher->dispatch($event, PostCreatedEvent::NAME);

Listener Priority

You might need to control the order in which listeners to the same event are called. This is done with priorities. Let’s see an example in services.yaml:

            - { name: 'kernel.event_listener', event: 'kernel.response', method: 'onKernelResponse', priority: 10 }
            - { name: 'kernel.event_listener', event: 'kernel.response', method: 'onKernelResponse', priority: 5 }

In this example, FirstResponseListener will be called before SecondResponseListener.

Debugging Events

Symfony provides a console command to debug event listeners and subscribers:

php bin/console debug:event-dispatcher

This command lists all registered events and their listeners in your application, including the priorities.


Learning how to properly use event listeners and subscribers in Symfony can significantly enhance your application by promoting clean, decoupled, and testable code. Remember to take advantage of custom events and to manage listener priorities wisely to maintain control over your application’s flow.