Symfony: How to get the current URL in Twig template

Updated: January 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When building web applications with Symfony, you might find yourself needing to retrieve the current page’s URL within a Twig template. Fortunately, Symfony’s flexible templating engine, Twig, provides several ways to access this information. In this tutorial, we will cover different methods to get the current URL in a Twig template, ranging from basic usages to more advanced techniques. By the end of this tutorial, you will be equipped with various approaches for working with URLs in your Symfony projects.

Understanding the Basics

Before diving into code examples, it’s important to understand the underlying components that allow us to retrieve the current URL in Symfony. Twig templates are rendered server-side, meaning you have access to various global variables provided by Symfony, such as ‘app’, which gives you information about the request, user, and more.

Basic Example – The ‘app’ Global Variable

To get the current URL in its simplest form, use the ‘app’ global variable along with the ‘request’ and the ‘uri’ attributes. Here’s an example:

{{ app.request.uri }}

This line of Twig code will output the full URL of the current page, including the query string if present.

Using the ‘url’ and ‘path’ Functions

Symfony’s Twig extension provides two functions for generating URLs: ‘url’ and ‘path’. While ‘path’ generates a relative URL, ‘url’ generates an absolute URL. Here’s how you can use them to get the current page’s URL:

Generate an Absolute URL

{{ url('current_route_name') }}

This will generate the absolute URL for the route named ‘current_route_name’. To use this, you need to know the route name. You can find this name in your Symfony route configuration.

Generate a Relative URL

{{ path('current_route_name') }}

Similarly, this Twig line will generate a relative URL for the ‘current_route_name’.

Getting Current Route Information

In some cases, you might need more information about the current route, such as its parameters. Symfony provides the ‘app.request.attributes’ object for this purpose:

{{ app.request.attributes.get('_route') }}

This will return the name of the current route. Now suppose you want to also get the route’s parameters:

{{ app.request.attributes.get('_route_params') }}

This line will return an array of all the current route’s parameters.

Advanced Techniques

As your applications grow more complex, you might require additional control over how you retrieve and manipulate URLs. Let’s explore some advanced techniques that involve creating your services or utilizing third-party bundles.

Creating a Custom Twig Extension

If you find yourself repeating similar tasks across templates, creating a custom Twig extension might be the way to go. A custom Twig extension enables you to define your Twig functions, filters, or global variables.

Here is an example of a Twig extension that provides a function to get the current URL:

use Twig\Extension\AbstractExtension;
use Twig\TwigFunction;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack;

class CurrentUrlExtension extends AbstractExtension
    private $requestStack;

    public function __construct(RequestStack $requestStack)
        $this->requestStack = $requestStack;

    public function getFunctions()
        return [
            new TwigFunction('current_url', [$this, 'getCurrentUrl']),

    public function getCurrentUrl()
        return $this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest()->getUri();

Once this extension is registered as a service and tagged with ‘twig.extension’, you can use the new ‘current_url’ function in your Twig templates like so:

{{ current_url() }}

This will output the current URL, using your custom Twig function.

Using Third-Party Bundles

Last but not least, you can leverage third-party bundles to enhance your URL-management capabilities. For example, the KnpMenuBundle is popular for building menus in Symfony, and it can also help manage URLs within Twig templates.


In conclusion, Symfony and Twig provide several ways to retrieve the current URL, ranging from simple global variables to custom extensions. This flexibility allows you to tailor URL handling to your application’s specific needs. Whether you’re generating links for menus or outputting the current URL for tracking, Symfony has you covered.