Using interfaces in PHP classes: A complete guide

Updated: January 10, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In object-oriented programming, interfaces define contracts that classes can implement, ensuring they provide specific methods with defined signatures. In PHP, interfaces enhance code organization, enable polymorphism, and facilitate dependency injection, laying foundational practices for robust application design.

Interfaces in PHP serve as a blueprint for what methods a class must implement, without defining how these methods should be carried out. Defined with the interface keyword, they help to create code that is both flexible and interchangeable. This tutorial will explore how interfaces work and how you can leverage them in your PHP classes to create more modular and testable code. Let’s start with the basic usage of interfaces and progressively delve into more advanced concepts, paired with relevant code examples and their expected outputs.

Basic Usage of Interfaces

Consider the following simple example of an interface called LoggerInterface:

interface LoggerInterface {
    public function log(string $message);

This interface requires classes that implement it to have a method log that takes a string as its parameter. Here is a class that implements this interface:

class FileLogger implements LoggerInterface {
    public function log(string $message) {
        file_put_contents('app.log', $message);

Now, whenever a FileLogger object is created, it will have a log method that writes a message to ‘app.log’. This guarantees that any other class that implements the LoggerInterface will have this method too, thus enforcing a level of consistency across your application.

Polymorphism with Interfaces

Polymorphism is a core concept in object-oriented programming and interfaces allow classes to be treated polymorphically. For example, consider an application that might log messages to different places:

class DatabaseLogger implements LoggerInterface {
    public function log(string $message) {
        // Logic to log messages to a database

class Application {
    private $logger;

    public function setLogger(LoggerInterface $logger) {
        $this->logger = $logger;

    public function getLogger(): LoggerInterface {
        return $this->logger;

    public function doSomethingImportant() {
        $this->logger->log('Something important happened!');

The Application class doesn’t need to know whether it’s using a FileLogger or DatabaseLogger. It only expects a logger that complies with the LoggerInterface. This lets you change the logging strategy without changing the code of the Application class, exemplifying the Open/Closed principle.

Dependency Injection and Interfaces

Dependency Injection (DI) is a powerful design pattern, and interfaces play a key role here. DI allows you to build loosely coupled components that are easier to test and maintain. For instance, rather than hardcoding the dependencies (such as loggers) within your objects, you would inject them:

class BusinessProcess {
    private LoggerInterface $logger;

    public function __construct(LoggerInterface $logger) {
        $this->logger = $logger;

    public function execute() {
        // Business logic here
        $this->logger->log('Business process executed.');

With Dependency Injection, your classes no longer dictate what the logger should be; instead, they merely state what kind of object they need. You can then pass different types of loggers as needed, making testing different scenarios much easier.

Advanced Interface Concepts

PHP introduces several advanced interface concepts, such as extending interfaces and using interfaces with abstract classes and traits. Extending interfaces allows you to build a specific api while preserving flexibility:

interface ExtendedLoggerInterface extends LoggerInterface {
    public function setErrorLevel($level);

An interface can even extend multiple interfaces, giving rise to a combination of multiple contracts that a class can adhere to. Moreover, using interfaces in cooperation with abstract classes can set up an even more formal structure for how classes should behave.

Traits in PHP can also complement interfaces. A trait can include methods that perform common tasks associated with an interface:

trait Loggable {
    public function log($message) {
        // Default log implementation

class AppLogger implements LoggerInterface {
    use Loggable;

In this case, AppLogger adopts the log implementation from the Loggable trait, fulfilling the LoggerInterface contract with provided behavior, promoting code reuse.

Type Hinting and Interfaces

Type hinting makes your code more readable and robust by declaring the expected types for function arguments, return values, and class properties. In PHP, interfaces can be used for type hinting in function arguments and return values, offering guarantees about the functionalities that the passed objects implement:

function setAppLogger(LoggerInterface $logger) {
    // Function that requires a LoggerInterface implementation

The above function illustrates how interfaces, when used as type hints, make it clear that the $logger parameter should be an instance that implements LoggerInterface, thus leveraging PHP’s type system to enforce contracts at the level of method calls.


In conclusion, using interfaces in PHP provides structure and predictability to applications. They form a fundamental part of enforcing a solid design that is modular, testable, and flexible. As we’ve seen through various examples, interfaces offer a way to abstract the functionality required by your classes while allowing for diverse implementations. They are, indeed, a crucial tool in your PHP development arsenal for creating applications that are easy to extend and maintain.