Sorting Results in Doctrine: A Practical Guide

Updated: January 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


For the uninitiated, Doctrine ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) is a PHP library that allows you to work with databases using an object-oriented approach. It abstracts the complexities of working with SQL and lets you manipulate database records as PHP objects.

Obtaining sorted data is essential in many applications, such as displaying leaderboard scores, chronological events, or lists organized by relevance. In the world of PHP development, notably within applications using the Symfony framework, Doctrine ORM is a common choice for managing the database layer. Doctrine provides robust functionalities, including a flexible way to sort results.

This practical guide will delve into the process of sorting results using Doctrine. Whether you are new to Doctrine or looking to refine your query skills, this guide will walk you through the steps to effectively order your query results.

Basics of Sorting with Doctrine

Let’s start by establishing how to write a basic query with sorting in Doctrine:

$respository = $entityManager->getRepository('App:Entity:YourEntity');
$query = $respository->createQueryBuilder('alias')
   ->orderBy('alias.fieldName', 'ASC')
$results = $query->getResult();

In the example above, replace ‘YourEntity’ with the entity you are working with, and ‘fieldName’ with the attribute you want to sort by. ‘ASC’ indicates ascending order, while ‘DESC’ would be used for descending.

Advanced Sorting

Sorting on multiple fields:

$query->addOrderBy('alias.secondFieldName', 'DESC')

Building dynamic sortable queries:

if ($sortBy && $direction) { 
   $query->addOrderBy('alias.' . $sortBy, $direction);

Sorting related entities:

   ->leftJoin('alias.relatedEntity', 'related_alias')
   ->addOrderBy('related_alias.relatedField', 'ASC')

Sorting Using the QueryBuilder

The QueryBuilder is a powerful Doctrine tool for building complex queries programmatically. Let’s dive into using the QueryBuilder for sorting results.

Basic Usage

Create a QueryBuilder instance and define the order by:

$queryBuilder->orderBy('alias.yourField', 'ASC');

You can also chain multiple order conditions:

$queryBuilder->orderBy('alias.field1', 'ASC')->addOrderBy('alias.field2', 'DESC');

Sorting with DQL

Doctrine Query Language (DQL) is another way to interact with your database using Doctrine. It’s a high-level abstraction over SQL that is specially designed to work with Doctrine. Similar to SQL, you can sort your results in DQL as follows:

d$entityManager->createQuery('SELECT a FROM App:Entity:YourEntity a ORDER BY a.fieldName ASC')->getResult();

Sorting with Criteria

Doctrine Criteria is suitable when you want to apply a filtering logic that also includes sorting. Here’s an example of how to use Criteria for sorting:

use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Criteria; // at the top of your file

// ... inside a method

$criteria = Criteria::create()   
   ->orderBy(['fieldName' => Criteria::ASC]);
matchingResults = $repository->matching($criteria);

Practical Sorting Tips

Building sort functions that keep in mind pagination, API responses, and other layers your application interacts with will create a robust framework for sorting data. Consider performance implications and indexes available in your database when sorting, especially on large datasets.


By using Doctrine’s built-in methods for sorting query results, developers can craft precise and efficient queries that cater to the diverse needs of their applications. Pay attention to your underlying database performance and make use of indexes wherever possible to keep queries running smoothly.

Armed with this knowledge on sorting results in Doctrine, you can further hone your skills and optimize the data management in your PHP applications using Doctrine ORM more effectively.