[Solved] Laravel ErrorException: Session store not set on request (4 solutions)

Updated: January 16, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

Encountering an ErrorException stating that the session store has not been set on a request is a common problem among Laravel developers. This error often occurs when the framework is unable to find or access session data that should be attached with user requests. This tutorial will guide you through several ways to solve this issue in Laravel applications.

Solution 1: Check Session Configuration

Ensure that the default session is correctly configured in Laravel’s .env file and config/session.php.

  • Verify that the session driver is set in your .env file.
  • If no driver is specified, configure it by editing the .env file and then clear the configuration cache.
    php artisan config:clear

Code example: Set the session driver in the .env file


Note: This solution is recommended when starting new projects to ensure that the sessions are managed correctly from the start.

Solution 2: Clear Laravel Cache

Laravel caches configuration and routes for performance, which may cause this error if the session configuration has changed.

Run the following Artisan commands in the terminal to clear the cache and config:

php artisan config:clear
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan route:clear
php artisan view:clear

Note: This approach is particularly useful during deployments or changes in environment variables and should be part of your deployment routine to avoid potential session issues.

Solution 3: Regenerate Session Key

Sometimes, the application key used for encrypting sessions may be invalid or compromised. Regenerating a new key can resolve the session store error.

Use the Artisan command to generate a new application key:

php artisan key:generate

This newly generated key will automatically be updated in the .env file.

Note: After regenerating the application key, all existing sessions will be invalidated. Use this solution when an application key has been leaked or was never set.

Solution 4: Middleware Check

Ensure the web middleware is applied to routes that need session access. Routes defined outside the web middleware group will not have session state.

Verify your routes are included in the web middleware group in routes/web.php:

Route::middleware('web')->group(function () {
    // Your routes that require session data

Note: Middleware ensures that session variables are maintained. This step is essential especially after major application refactoring or upgrade.

Final Words

Resolving the ‘Session store not set on request’ error in Laravel involves checking your session configuration, clearing Laravel caches, regenerating your application key, and ensuring correct middleware application on your routes. Applying these solutions will resolve the session-related issues and make sure your application functions stably.