Symfony and Twig: How to link to an asset (CSS, JS, images, etc.)

Updated: January 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Managing assets like CSS, JavaScript, and images is a critical part of web development. Symfony, a flexible and powerful PHP framework, coupled with its template engine, Twig, provides a streamlined approach for handling assets. This tutorial guides you through the process of linking to assets within Symfony using Twig to enhance your web application’s performance and maintainability.

Understanding Symfony Assets

Symfony’s Asset component helps you manage URL generation for web assets. It is configured to handle project-specific needs and can integrate with other tools for asset optimization (like Webpack Encore).

Assets are typically stored within the public/ directory in your Symfony app. The traditional structure looks like this:


Installing the Asset Component

Before you can link to assets, ensure that the Asset component is installed. If necessary, run:

composer require symfony/asset

This will install the asset package and enable it in your Symfony application.

Using Twig Functions

Twig provides functions such as asset() to generate the correct paths to your assets.

Linking to CSS Files

To include a CSS file in your Twig template:

<link href="{{ asset('css/style.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">

The asset() function takes a relative path from the public/ directory. Here, it generates the URL for the style.css file located in public/css/.

Linking to JavaScript Files

For JavaScript, the process is similar:

<script src="{{ asset('js/app.js') }}"></script>

This will link to app.js inside the public/js/ directory.

Linking to Images

For images:

<img src="{{ asset('images/logo.png') }}" alt="MyLogo">

It will reference logo.png located in the public/images/ directory. You can handle other file types such as fonts or downloads similarly.

Asset Versioning and Cache Busting

Cache busting helps browsers load the most recent files by altering asset URLs when files change. Symfony makes this easy with the version_strategy option.

Setting Up Version Strategy

In the config/packages/assets.yaml file, configure the asset versioning:

        json_manifest_path: '%kernel.project_dir%/public/build/manifest.json'

This assumes you’re using a tool like Webpack that outputs a manifest.json file containing the versioned asset names. With this setup, the asset() function will automatically append the version or revision to the asset URLs.

Using with Webpack Encore

Webpack Encore is a simpler interface to Webpack, specially designed for Symfony projects. If you’re using Encore to manage your assets:

Installing Encore

To start, install Encore:

composer require symfony/webpack-encore-bundle

Then, follow the instructions to set up Webpack Encore. Once completed, you’ll use Encore functions in Twig:

Linking Assets with Encore

To link to compiled CSS or JS files:

{{ encore_entry_link_tags('entry-point-name') }}
{{ encore_entry_script_tags('entry-point-name') }}

Replace 'entry-point-name' with the name you’ve given to your asset entry in webpack.config.js.

Organizing Assets

Consider further organizing your assets into packages to handle different CDN URLs or versioning strategies for different types of assets.

Defining Asset Packages

In your configuration:

                base_urls: ['']
                version: '1.0'

Now, to use this package in Twig:

<img src="{{ asset('images/logo.png', 'cdn_package') }}" alt="MyLogo">

This image will be loaded with the base URL and version specified in the package.


In this tutorial, you’ve learned how to link to assets when developing a web application with Symfony and Twig. We’ve covered installing the Asset component, using the asset() function, asset versioning and cache busting, along with integrating Webpack Encore and organizing assets into packages.

Understanding and effectively implementing asset management is key to optimizing web applications. With these steps, you are now equipped to include and manage assets in your Symfony projects with ease and sophistication.