How to upgrade a Symfony project to the latest version

Updated: January 14, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Keeping your Symfony project up-to-date is vital for maintaining the security, performance, and compatibility of your application. With Symfony’s well-structured upgrade path, migrating to the latest version can be a smooth process if tackled methodically. This guide will walk you through the steps to upgrade your Symfony application efficiently.

Preparation Steps

Before starting the actual upgrade, it’s essential to prep your project. Begin by backing up your project. It’s also recommended to perform the upgrade in a development environment and use version control systems like Git to manage your changes for easy rollbacks, if necessary.

git checkout -b upgrade-symfony

Next, check Symfony’s requirements. Ensure that your server environment matches the requirements of the latest Symfony version. You can use the Symfony Requirements Checker for this purpose:

symfony check:requirements

Analyzing Project Dependencies

Ensure that all your project’s dependencies are compatible with the latest Symfony version. You can do this by looking at the documentation and release notes of each package for compatibility information.

Updating Composer.json

The composer.json file holds the key to your project’s dependencies. Start by changing the Symfony version in composer.json to the version you’re upgrading to:

    "require": {
        "symfony/symfony": "^5.3"

For a major version upgrade, you should also review and update the third-party libraries:

composer update "vendor/package"

Upgrading with Composer

With your composer.json file updated, you can now run composer to perform the upgrade:

composer update symfony/symfony --with-all-dependencies

This command will update the Symfony framework and all the dependencies listed in your composer.json file.

Reviewing Deprecated Code

After updating the packages, you will likely have to deal with deprecation warnings. Symfony provides comprehensive files in its repository, which are essential for addressing these deprecations:

grep -Rn 'deprecated' src/

Address these deprecations by following Symfony’s instructions provided in these files.

Updating Configuration

Your app’s configuration files in app/config/ or config/ might need updates. Consult the Symfony for specific changes and migrate your configuration accordingly.

Testing the Upgrade

Thoroughly test your application for any issues. Automated tests can pinpoint problems, but manual testing is also crucial to ensure you have not missed any potential bugs.

Deploying to Production

Once you have made sure everything works, it’s time to deploy the changes. If you’re deploying a major version upgrade, be extra cautious—roll out the application in a staged approach if possible, and monitor the performance closely.


Upgrading Symfony might seem daunting initially, but with proper planning and following the upgrade releases’ instructions, it is achievable. Always remember to consult the official Symfony UPGRADE guide for your specific upgrade path and use the Symfony ecosystem’s tools to your advantage for a successful upgrade.

With your Symfony project now running on the latest version, you can enjoy the benefits of the new features, improvements, and security patches. Happy coding!