Using AND & OR operators in Doctrine: A Practical Guide

Updated: January 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When crafting complex query logic for your applications that use Doctrine, understanding the correct implementation and use of logical operators such as AND and OR is crucial. These operators can make your queries incredibly powerful and allow you to extract very precise datasets from your database. This article will guide you through using AND & OR operators effectively in Doctrine.

The Basics of Doctrine Query Builder

Doctrine, an object-relational mapper (ORM) for PHP, provides a QueryBuilder interface for creating and running database queries efficiently. QueryBuilder works by composing a Doctrine Query Language (DQL) instance with methods that add different parts of a SQL query in a programmatic and object-oriented fashion.

Let’s start with a simple example query that finds all users who are active and have a certain role:

$userRepository = $entityManager->getRepository('User');
$queryBuilder = $userRepository->createQueryBuilder('u');
    ->where(' = :active')
    ->andWhere('u.role = :role')
    ->setParameter('active', true)
    ->setParameter('role', 'admin');
$query = $queryBuilder->getQuery();
$result = $query->getResult();

This query uses the QueryBuilder to select all users where the ‘active’ field is true and the ‘role’ field is equal to ‘admin’. The andWhere method is appending an additional condition to the where clause with an AND operator.

Combining Conditions with AND

The AND operator allows you to combine multiple conditions where each condition must be true for the resulting dataset to be considered a match. Consider the following adjusted query, where we are looking for active users who are admins and whose names match a certain pattern:

    ->where(' = :active')
    ->andWhere('u.role = :role')
    ->andWhere(' LIKE :namePattern')
        'active' => true,
        'role' => 'admin',
        'namePattern' => '%Smith%'
$query = $queryBuilder->getQuery();
$result = $query->getResult();

Here, we’ve chained another andWhere to include a LIKE query. This means all the andWhere conditions should be met simultaneously.

Combining Conditions with OR

Sometimes, you might want to select records that match one condition or another; that’s when the OR operator comes into play. Let’s modify the previous query to find users who are either active admins or active users with a Smith surname:

    ->where(' = :active')
    ->andWhere('u.role = :role')
    ->orWhere(' LIKE :namePattern')
        'active' => true,
        'role' => 'admin',
        'namePattern' => '%Smith%'
$query = $queryBuilder->getQuery();
$result = $query->getResult();

By using orWhere, we can loosen the conditions – selecting all active admins along with users named Smith, even if the latter does not have an admin role.

Nesting Conditions with AND and OR

There are scenarios where you will need to nest conditions due to more complex rules. To achieve precise control over the logic, we use the expr() method, which provides a fluent interface for building expressions. Suppose we want active users who are either admins or named Smith and have a signup date after 2020:

    ->where(' = :active')
            $queryBuilder->expr()->eq('u.role', ':role'),
            $queryBuilder->expr()->like('', ':namePattern')
    ->andWhere('u.signupDate > :signupDate')
        'active' => true,
        'role' => 'admin',
        'namePattern' => '%Smith%',
        'signupDate' => '2020-01-01'
$query = $queryBuilder->getQuery();
$result = $query->getResult();

This allows us to create a query with a nested OR condition inside an AND group. The expr()->orX() method can take unlimited conditions as parameters, automatically joined with OR.


Logical operators are a powerful feature in Doctrine that can help you create the most efficient and targeted queries for your database. And remember, while it’s tempting to use Doctrine to create very complex queries, consider the performance implications and always profile your queries to ensure they’re as efficient as possible.

As a final note, while this guide has focused on selecting data using AND & OR operators, Doctrine’s QueryBuilder also supports these logical operations in other clauses such as UPDATE and DELETE statements. Take some time to explore the Doctrine documentation and master all the different ways you can leverage logical operators to enhance your database interactions in your PHP applications.