How to Write Unit Tests in Symfony: A Practical Guide

Updated: January 14, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Testing is an integral part of the software development cycle, and unit testing, in particular, helps developers verify that individual components of their application work as expected. Symfony is a PHP framework that encourages testing and provides tools to facilitate this. In this guide, we’ll take a practical look at how to write unit tests in Symfony with PHPUnit.

Setting Up PHPUnit in Symfony

Before writing tests, make sure to set up PHPUnit. Symfony Flex automatically adds PHPUnit to your project. If it wasn’t installed, you could add it using Composer:

composer require --dev phpunit

After the installation, configure PHPUnit by editing the phpunit.xml.dist file in your project to set up your testing environment correctly.

Understanding the Basics of Unit Testing

Unit testing involves testing the smallest parts of an application in isolation (e.g., a single class). A good unit test should be:

  • Concise, testing just one aspect of the code
  • Independent from other tests
  • Repeatable with the same results every time
  • Fast to execute

Creating Your First Unit Test

Create a directory for your tests if it doesn’t already exist (generally tests/) and create a test class. Test classes usually mirror the structure of the classes they are testing. Here’s an example:

namespace App\Tests\Service;

use App\Service\Calculator;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

class CalculatorTest extends TestCase
    public function testAdd()
        $calculator = new Calculator();
        $result = $calculator->add(30, 12);
        $this->assertEquals(42, $result);

This code tests an add method within a Calculator service class.

Running Your Symfony Unit Tests

With PHPUnit integrated, you can run tests using the following command:


PHPUnit will automatically find and execute tests in the tests/ directory.

Writing Good Unit Tests

Here are some best practices when writing unit tests:

  • Use descriptive test method names (e.g., testAdditionWithPositiveNumbers)
  • Keep tests focused on a single function or method
  • Test standard cases as well as edge cases
  • Mock dependencies using tools like the built-in PHPUnit mocks or Mockery

Mocking Objects in Symfony

Sometimes you need to test classes that depend on other components. Mock objects simulate the behavior of those dependencies. Here’s how to create a mock:

$mock = $this->createMock(SomeClass::class);

Test-Driven Development (TDD) in Symfony

TDD is a software development process where you write tests before the code they are meant to test. It often results in more thorough tests and cleaner code. Here’s how you might follow TDD for a new Symfony feature:

  • Write a test for the desired functionality
  • Run the test (it should fail at this point)
  • Write the minimal code necessary to pass the test
  • Refactor the code, ensuring that tests still pass after changes

Integration with Symfony

Although we’re focusing on unit tests, Symfony also provides tools for functional testing, which can be beneficial for testing how multiple components work together. Services like the KernelTestCase and the WebTestCase allow you to boot the kernel and even simulate HTTP requests for a more comprehensive test suite.

Tips for Dealing with Databases in Tests

When dealing with databases, make sure to reset the state after each test to avoid interaction between tests. Tools like Doctrine’s DataFixtures can be really handy for setting up and tearing down test data.

Continuous Integration

Integrating PHPUnit tests into a Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline ensures that tests are run automatically, for example, on every push to a repository. Symfony integrates well with CI tools like Jenkins, Travis CI, or GitHub Actions.


Unit testing is essential for maintaining high-quality code. By integrating PHPUnit testing into your Symfony development workflow, you’re not only ensuring that your components work well in isolation but are also building a safety net for catching issues before they reach production. Embrace a TDD approach where possible, leverage Symfony’s various testing tools, and enjoy cleaner, less buggy code.