PHP: How to calculate leap years

Updated: January 9, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Determining whether a year is a leap year is a common task in programming. In PHP, you can achieve this with several methods ranging from simple conditional statements to the use of built-in functions. This tutorial will guide you through various PHP examples to calculate leap years.

Understanding Leap Years

A leap year occurs once every four years to help synchronize the calendar year with the solar year, or the length of time it takes the Earth to complete its orbit around the Sun, which is about 365.25 days. The extra day is added as February 29th, making the year 366 days long instead of 365. To determine a leap year, three conditions must be checked:

  • The year is evenly divisible by 4;
  • If the year can also be divided by 100, it is not a leap year unless;
  • The year is also evenly divisible by 400. Then it is a leap year.

Basic Leap Year Calculation

The most straightforward method to determine if a year is a leap year is by using a series of conditional checks.

function isLeapYear($year) {
    if ($year % 4 == 0) {
        if ($year % 100 == 0) {
            if ($year % 400 == 0) {
                return true;
            return false;
        return true;
    return false;

$year = 2020;
if (isLeapYear($year)) {
    echo "$year is a leap year.";
} else {
    echo "$year is not a leap year.";

This function checks the year for divisibility by 4, then 100, and finally 400, as per the rules to determine a leap year.

Using date() Function

PHP has a built-in date() function which can be used to simplify the leap year verification process.

$year = 2020;
if (date('L', mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year))) {
    echo "$year is a leap year.";
} else {
    echo "$year is not a leap year.";

The mktime() function creates a Unix timestamp for the given date, and date('L') returns 1 if it’s a leap year, otherwise 0.

Advanced Leap Year Calculation with DateTime

You can also use the DateTime and DateInterval objects for a more object-oriented approach.

function isLeapYearDateTime($year) {
    $date = new DateTime("$year-01-01");
    return $date->format('L') == 1;

$year = 2024;
if (isLeapYearDateTime($year)) {
    echo "$year is a leap year.";
} else {
    echo "$year is not a leap year.";

This approach benefits from PHP’s built-in class features and may be more suitable within object-oriented code.

Leap Year Validation in Web Forms

To validate a leap year within a user-submitted form, you can combine any of the above methods with server-side validation.

// Assume a $_POST['year'] input from form
if (isset($_POST['year']) && is_numeric($_POST['year'])) {
    $year = (int)$_POST['year'];
    if (isLeapYear($year)) {
        echo "$year is a leap year.";
    } else {
        echo "$year is not a leap year.";
} else {
    echo "Please enter a valid year.";

This will safely check and convert the input before performing the leap year calculation.

Dealing with Timezones and Different Calendars

When working with dates, time zones can play a critical role. However, for leap year calculations, the Gregorian calendar’s rules are timezone-agnostic. Just be aware that some calendars, like the Julian calendar, have different rules for leap years.


Determining leap years in PHP can be done elegantly using various methods. Simple conditions, DateTime classes, and PHP functions are all capable options. Choose the method that best fits the context of your application and enhances readability and maintainability of your code.