Working with Daylight Saving Time in PHP

Updated: January 9, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Effectively managing Daylight Saving Time (DST) in applications is pivotal to providing accurate time-based features. PHP, with its robust date and time functions, allows developers to handle DST smoothly. This tutorial walks you through various ways to work with DST in PHP.

Understanding Time Zones and DST

Before diving into code, it’s essential to grasp how PHP represents time zones and accommodates for DST adjustments. PHP leverages the TimeZone database, which keeps track of the world’s time zones and their idiosyncrasies, including DST.

Example 1: Creating a DateTimeZone Object

$timeZone = new DateTimeZone('America/New_York');

This object is pivotal for the subsequent manipulations of time.

Basic Operations with DST

Example 2: Instantiating DateTime with Local DST

$dateTime = new DateTime('now', $timeZone);

Checking whether we’re currently in Daylight Saving Time is straightforward:

echo $dateTime->format('I') ? 'DST' : 'No DST';

We can also find out when DST starts or ends:

$dstStart = (new DateTime('last sunday of March ' . date('Y'), $timeZone))->setTime(2, 0);
$dstEnd = (new DateTime('last sunday of October ' . date('Y'), $timeZone))->setTime(2, 0);

Converting Between Time Zones with DST Consideration

Let’s see how to correctly convert times between time zones that observe DST differently.

Example 3: Time Zone Conversion

$dateLondon = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('Europe/London'));
$dateNewYork = clone $dateLondon;
$dateNewYork->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('America/New_York'));

PHP adjusts the time accordingly, taking DST into account.

Advanced DST Handling with DateTimeInterface

We can interact with DST on a more abstract level using the DateTimeInterface, which underlies both DateTime and DateTimeImmutable classes.

Example 4: Flexible DST Adjustments

$serverTime = new DateTimeImmutable();
$clientTimezone = new DateTimeZone('America/Los_Angeles');
$clientTime = $serverTime->setTimezone($clientTimezone);

And so forth, providing more fine-grained control over time adjustments.

Temporary Overriding PHP’s Default Time Zone

Temporarily changing the default time zone can be instrumental when dealing with scripts that require a different time base.

Example 5: Overriding Time Zone


Remember to reset it back to UTC or your server’s default time zone when done to avoid side effects.

Time Zone Edge Cases Handling

DST transitions can be particularly tricky, especially around the switch-over period. Edge cases, such as scheduling events during the shift, require careful consideration.

Example 6: Managing DST Transitions

$eventDate = new DateTime('2023-03-31 02:30:00', new DateTimeZone('America/New_York'));
try {
    $eventDate->setTime(2, 30);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $eventDate->modify('+1 hour');

This is a way to handle a non-existent or duplicated time due to DST change.

Scheduling Tasks and The Implications of DST

When scheduling tasks in applications, especially crontab jobs, remember that they don’t recognize DST changes by default.

Example 7: DST Aware Scheduling

$cronTime = new DateTimeZone('UTC')->getOffset(new DateTime('now', $timeZone)) !== $timeZone->getOffset(new DateTime('tomorrow', $timeZone));

The disparity in offsets indicates a DST change, which you must account for programmatically.

Testing Your Application with DST

Ensuring your software robustly handles DST requires comprehensive testing mimicking various scenarios.

Example 8: Mocking DST Conditions

function testDSTTransition(DateTimeZone $timeZone, $date) {
    // Testing function code

Create test cases for typical and edge-case DST transitions to verify correct behavior.


Handling Daylight Saving Time in PHP requires understanding PHP’s DateTime functionality and staying aware of timezone realities. This guide should serve as a helpful starting point. With patience and thorough testing, your PHP applications can handle DST like clockwork.