Variable References in PHP: Explanation with Examples

Updated: January 9, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In PHP, understanding variable references is crucial for efficient memory management and to avoid unexpected behaviors in your scripts. This guide takes you through the concept with practical examples.

Understanding Variable References

When you assign a value to a variable in PHP, it occupies a space in memory. Sometimes, you may want to create a new variable that points to the same memory location. This is where variable references come into play.

$var = "A value";
$ref =& $var;

In this code, $ref references $var and both share the same memory location.

Creating References

To create a reference, use the reference operator & like shown in the previous example. The variable $ref now acts as an alias to $var, changes to one reflect on the other.

$var = "Test";
$ref =& $var;
$ref = "Changed";
echo $var; // Outputs 'Changed'

Creating variable references is useful in functions when you want to modify variables passed as arguments.

function add_prefix(&$string) {
  $string = 'prefix_' . $string;

$myStr = 'example';
echo $myStr; // Outputs 'prefix_example'

Here, $myStr is modified within the function because it’s passed by reference.

References and Arrays

References in arrays work similarly, allowing direct manipulation of array elements.

$arr = [1, 2, 3];
foreach ($arr as &$value) {
  $value *= 2;
print_r($arr); // Outputs [2, 4, 6]

Note that iterating by reference can lead to unexpected results in successive iterations. Always unset the reference after you’re done.

unset($value); // Unsets the last reference

Reference Pitfalls

Using variable references can sometimes lead to bugs that are hard to debug. For instance, mistakenly creating references when copying arrays.

$original = [1, 2, 3];
$copied =& $original;
$copied[0] = 4;
echo $original[0]; // Outputs '4'

This changes the original array because $copied is a reference. Using the clone operation like $copied = $original; will prevent this problem.

Unsetting References

Unsetting a reference removes the alias but doesn’t affect the connection to the content in the memory.

$a = 1;
$b =& $a;
echo $a // Outputs 1

The variable $a is still accessible and its value remains. Unsetting $b just removes the reference, not the data.

Reference Versus Cloning

When you need a separate instance of an object, use the clone keyword. Cloning creates a shallow copy of the object, not a reference, thus preventing side-effects from references.

$obj1 = new StdClass();
$obj2 = clone $obj1;

Modifications to $obj2 will not affect $obj1.

Circular References and Memory

Circular references, where two or more objects reference each other, can cause memory leaks. PHP’s garbage collector can handle most circular references, but keeping an eye on your object graph is always beneficial.

$obj1 = new StdClass();
$obj1->self = $obj1;

This code creates a circular reference. While not immediately harmful, it’s good practice to unset such references when they’re no longer needed.

Advanced Usage:

In more complex scenarios, like recursive functions or tree structures, references can save memory and allow for efficient data manipulation. Delving into such use cases requires a solid understanding of PHP references and careful coding.

function &find_value($key, &$array) {
  if (isset($array[$key])) {
    return $array[$key];
  foreach ($array as &$value) {
    if (is_array($value)) {
      $result =& find_value($key, $value);
      if ($result !== null) {
        return $result;
  return null;

Note the usage of the & operand to create references effectively within the recursive function. This can have a significant impact on performance for large data sets.


In closing, references in PHP, when used wisely, can optimize your application and manage memory efficiently. Start simple, understand how PHP handles references internally, and progress to advanced applications with caution.