How to Check if a Function Exists in PHP

Updated: January 9, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Whether you’re writing robust applications or ensuring backward compatibility, checking the existence of a function is critical to prevent runtime errors. This tutorial offers you a profound understanding of how to handle such verifications in PHP elegantly and efficiently.


Ensuring that a function exists before calling it in PHP is not just good practice; it’s essential for writing error-free and compatible code. For developers maintaining or upgrading legacy systems, or effectively utilizing conditional functionalities, mastery over this inquiry is indispensable.

In this guide, we will systematically journey through the basic to advanced methods of checking function existence—imbuing your programming toolkit with enhanced reliability and flexibility.

Basic Function Existence Check

Let’s begin with the basics. The function_exists() function is the direct approach to check for function existence in PHP. This built-in function returns a Boolean value: true if the function has been defined, and false otherwise.

if (function_exists('target_function')) {
} else {
    echo 'The target_function does not exist.';

This straightforward method ensures your script operates without fatal errors when attempting to call an undefined function.

Namespaces and Function Existence

PHP’s namespace feature allows structuring code in a more readable and conflict-free manner. Ensure the function check is namespace-aware for an accurate result:

namespace MyProject\Utils;

if (function_exists('\MyProject\Utils\target_function')) {
} else {
    echo 'Function does not exist within the namespace.';

This consideration becomes especially poignant when dealing with large-scale, modular applications.

Checking Class Method Existence

When working with object-oriented PHP, you may need to check for the existence of a method within a class. Utilize the method_exists() function to accomplish this likewise critical check:

$obj = new MyClass;

if (method_exists($obj, 'methodName')) {
} else {
    echo 'The method methodName does not exist.';

Here, we employ PHP’s flexibility to ascertain our method of interest safeguards its invocation in the object context.

Leodpace Aware Function Checks

Dynamic function calls, such as call_user_func(), heighten the importance of preliminary existence checks to avoid performance penalties and errors.

$function_name = 'dynamic_function';

if (function_exists($function_name)) {
    call_user_func($function_name, 'parameter');
} else {
    echo 'Dynamic function is not available.';

This dynamic dimension tests PHP’s dexterity to run time-varied functions safely.

Auto-loading and Function Existence

PHP’s auto-loading mechanism simplifies class management by loading class files on-demand. However, function_exists() does not trigger auto-loading. So, if a function resides in a file that is not yet included, and auto-loading is expected to avail it—explicitly include or require the file or trigger the auto-loader.

spl_autoload_register(function ($classname) {
    include 'classes/' . $classname . '.php';

if (function_exists('spl_autoload_call')) {
    if (function_exists('target_function_in_autoloaded_file')) {

Grasp this advanced edge of PHP to unify function existence checks with intelligent class file management.

Handling Optional Functions and Extensions

Many functions are tied to specific PHP extensions or versions. A robust application will check for these dependencies:

if (extension_loaded('mbstring') && function_exists('mb_strlen')) {
    echo mb_strlen('Test string', 'UTF-8');
} else {
    echo strlen('Test string');

This facet of anticipatory coding secures function availability reconciled with the optional environmental capabilities.

Practical Example: Integrating Function Checks in a Plugin System

A practical demonstration can be seen in plugin architectures. Here, the existence of user-defined functions influences system behavior and functionality extensions:

function run_plugin($plugin_name) {
    $function_name = $plugin_name . '_run';

    if (function_exists($function_name)) {
        return $function_name();

    return false;

// Usage
if (run_plugin('custom_plugin')) {
    echo 'Plugin executed successfully';
} else {
    echo 'Plugin functionality is not available';

Such versatile structuring promotes PHP’s enterprise-level adaptability, fostering a platform for unlimited innovation and expansion.


You now possess the know-how to verify the existence of functions and methods in PHP. From simple checks, namespace nuances, dynamic calls, to working with auto-loaders and handling extensions, PHP’s functions and methods can be harnessed accurately and efficiently. Adopt these strategies in your PHP endeavors for resilient and future-proof coding artistry.