PHP: How to Escape Double Quotes in a String

Updated: January 9, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Handling strings is a fundamental aspect of programming in PHP, especially when dealing with user input. Escaping double quotes is essential to avoid syntax errors and secure your application from malicious code injection. This tutorial walks you through the basics to advanced methods of escaping double quotes in PHP strings.

Basic Escaping using Backslashes

In PHP, the simplest way to escape double quotes within a string is to use a backslash (\). This is known as the escape character in many programming languages, and it tells PHP to treat the following character as a regular character, not a control character.

$string = "This is a \"quoted\" string.";
echo $string; // Outputs: This is a "quoted" string.

Using the heredoc Syntax

PHP’s heredoc syntax allows for creating strings without worrying about escaping quotes, which is useful for longer blocks of text.

$string = <<<EOT
This is a "quoted" string using heredoc syntax.
echo $string;

Working with nowdoc Syntax

The nowdoc syntax is similar to single-quoted strings and does not require escaping of double quotes either.

$string = <<<'EOT'
This is a "quoted" string using nowdoc syntax.
echo $string;

Using Single Quotes

By switching your string to be encapsulated by single quotes instead of double quotes, you can include double quotes inside your string without escaping them.

$string = 'This is a "quoted" string.';
echo $string; // Outputs: This is a "quoted" string.

Escaping Double Quotes in Concatenated Strings

When concatenating strings, you can escape individual portions that contain double quotes.

$part1 = "He said, \"Hello\" to her.";
$part2 = "And then she replied, \"Hi!\"";
$string = $part1 . ' ' . $part2;
echo $string;

Using addslashes() Function

PHP provides the addslashes() function, which returns a string with backslashes added before characters that need to be escaped.

$string = "He said, \"Hello\" to her.";
$safe_string = addslashes($string);
echo $safe_string; // Outputs: He said, \"Hello\" to her.

Utilizing the json_encode() Function for Escaping

json_encode() can also be used to escape double quotes in strings, especially when preparing data to be consumed by JavaScript or other JSON-compatible systems.

$array = ['text' => 'He said, "Hello" to her.'];
$json = json_encode($array);
echo $json; // Outputs: {"text":"He said, \"Hello\" to her."}

Encoding with htmlentities() and htmlspecialchars()

htmlentities() and htmlspecialchars() are useful for converting applicable characters to HTML entities. This can be particularly useful when displaying data in an HTML context to prevent XSS attacks.

$string = 'He said, "Hello" to her.';
$safe_string = htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_QUOTES);
echo $safe_string // Outputs: He said, "Hello" to her.
$safe_string = htmlentities($string, ENT_QUOTES);
echo $safe_string // Outputs: He said, "Hello" to her.

Real-world Example of Escaping Double Quotes

Let’s bring everything together by showing how to handle escaping in a typical form submission scenario where the user could input double quotes.

    // Escape all double quotes
    $user_input = addslashes($_POST['inputField']);
    // Do something with the safe $user_input


Escaping double quotes in PHP is a necessary skill that ensures data integrity and helps prevent security vulnerabilities. By using the methods outlined in this tutorial, you can deftly manage quotes within your strings for a variety of scenarios. Remember, the best method will often depend on the specific context of your application.