Laravel: Using Stack in Blade Templates

Updated: January 18, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Laravel’s Blade templating engine provides a range of features designed to help developers construct powerful, maintainable web applications. Among these features, Blade’s stack directive offers a method for effortlessly managing scripts and styles. In this tutorial, we’ll delve into how to effectively utilize the stack directive within Blade templates to streamline asset management.

Laravel stacks allow you to push to a named stack which can be rendered anywhere in another view or layout. This offers great flexibility for including scripts and stylesheets, thus aiding in keeping things organized. Let’s explore how you can use this feature to your advantage.

Understanding Blade Stacks

Intuitively, a stack is a structure that allows you to add or ‘push’ elements into it, later to be ‘popped’ back out in a ‘last in, first out’ (LIFO) order. In Laravel Blade, it’s slightly different in that elements pushed to a Blade stack remain in the stack and can be rendered at one or more places in the view.

Setting Up Our Environment

First, ensure you have a running Laravel environment. If not, you can create a new Laravel project using Composer:

composer create-project laravel/laravel example-app

Change directory into your new application:

cd example-app

Once you’re set up, let’s jump into Blade stacks.

Using Stacks in Blade Templates

An essential aspect of web development is the organization of CSS and JavaScript across templates. Blade facilitates this using the @stack and @push directives.

Creating a Layout

Create a master layout file in resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php. In this file, define where you want your stacks to be output:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="{{ str_replace('_', '-', app()->getLocale()) }}">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <!-- Stylesstack -->
    <!-- Scripts stack -->

With the placeholder for stacks in place, you’re now free to push content to these stacks from any child view extending this layout.

Extending the Layout

Create a child blade file in resources/views/hello.blade.php and extend the layout:


<h1>Hello, Stack!</h1>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/hello.css">

<script src="/js/hello.js"></script>

When you render the hello.blade.php view, the app.blade.php layout’s stacks will include the pushed assets.

Making Stacks Dynamic

One of the main advantages of stacks is they can become dynamic, depending on any condition. Here’s an example:

<script src="/js/special-feature.js"></script>

This adds the special-feature.js file to the scripts stack only if the $specialFeature variable is true.

Managing Dependencies

Sometimes one script depends on another. Stacks can ensure scripts load in the proper order, like so:

<script src="/js/dependent-script.js" defer></script>
<script src="/js/main.js"></script>

Using @prepend ensures that main.js is added to the beginning of the stack, therefore it will load before dependent-script.js.

Nesting Views and Stacks

Let’s nest stacks within views. Create a partial that is included in hello.blade.php:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/partial.css">

Now, partial.css joins the styles stack when the partial is included within the hello view.

Best Practices for Blade Stacks

  • Use meaningful stack names that reflect their purpose, such as ‘scripts’, ‘styles’, etc.
  • Keep stack declarations in your master layout to designate clear insertion points.
  • Leverage stacks to manage conditional logic for asset loading, which reduces the spread of inline scripts and links in your templates.
  • Be careful with the order of @push and @prepend; it matters for script dependencies.


In this tutorial, we’ve covered the use of stacks in Laravel’s Blade templating engine. These stacks provide a structured yet flexible way to manage CSS and JavaScript within your application’s views. By properly utilizing @push and @prepend, you can efficiently manage assets, ensuring that dependencies are loaded in the correct order and your code remains clean and maintainable.

Elegant organization, conditional asset management, and script dependency resolution – Blade stacks unlock all this, laying the groundwork for more maintainable and scalable Laravel applications.