PHP: Formatting large numbers with commas as thousand separators

Updated: January 10, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In PHP development, presenting data in a readable format is key, especially when dealing with large numbers. This tutorial will delve into how you can format large numbers with commas as thousands separators using various PHP functions and techniques.

Basic Large Number Formatting in PHP

When displaying large numbers to users, inserting commas as thousand separators enhances readability. PHP provides several ways to format numbers, one of the most straightforward being the number_format() function. This function formats a number with grouped thousands and can be customized to handle different locales and specifications.

Using number_format()

$large_number = 123456789;
$formatted_number = number_format($large_number);
echo $formatted_number; // Output: 123,456,789

By default, number_format() adds commas without specifying the number of decimal points or a specific locale.

Specifying Decimal Places and Thousands Separator

$large_number = 123456789.12345;
$formatted_number = number_format($large_number, 2, '.', ',');
echo $formatted_number; // Output: 123,456,789.12

In this example, we define that the formatted number should have two decimal places and use a period as the decimal point separator and a comma as the thousands separator.

Advanced Formatting With Localization

For applications serving a global audience, localizing the number format is crucial. The NumberFormatter class, provided by the intl extension, offers locale-aware formatting.

Using NumberFormatter for Localization

$large_number = 123456789.12345;
$formatter = new NumberFormatter('en_US', NumberFormatter::DECIMAL);
$localized_number = $formatter->format($large_number);
echo $localized_number; // Output: 123,456,789.123

This uses the ‘en_US’ locale to format the number according to American English conventions.

Handling Different Locales

$formatter = new NumberFormatter('de_DE', NumberFormatter::DECIMAL);
$localized_number = $formatter->format($large_number);
echo $localized_number; // Output: 123.456.789,123

With the ‘de_DE’ locale, for example, the thousands separator is a period and the decimal separator is a comma.

Formatting Currency Values

Formatting currency values often requires localization as well as symbol representation. The NumberFormatter class can handle this elegantly.

Localizing Currency Formats

$formatter = new NumberFormatter('en_US', NumberFormatter::CURRENCY);
$localized_currency = $formatter->formatCurrency(1234567.89, 'USD');
echo $localized_currency; // Output: $1,234,567.89

This takes into account the local currency format, including the currency symbol.

Custom Number Formatting

For situations that require more control over number formatting, PHP allows you to build a custom solution with string functions.

Building a Custom Thousands Separator

function custom_number_format($number) {
    $parts = explode('.', (string)$number);
    $parts[0] = preg_replace('/
Bd))/x', ',', $parts[0]);
    return implode('.', $parts);

$large_number = 987654321.12345;
$formatted_number = custom_number_format($large_number);
echo $formatted_number; // Output: 987,654,321.12345

In this custom function, regular expressions are used to insert commas as thousands separators without affecting the decimal part of the number.


Properly formatting numbers improves data readability and user experience. PHP offers versatile tools from the simple number_format() function to the more complex NumberFormatter class for localized formatting. Mastering these tools is essential for PHP developers to cater to diverse user bases and ensure a polished presentation of numerical data.