Symfony + Doctrine: Implementing cursor-based pagination

Updated: February 22, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

In a digital world where data grows exponentially, efficient data retrieval becomes imperative for application performance and user experience. Pagination is a common strategy to chunk down the data into smaller, more manageable sets. While offset pagination is widely used, cursor-based pagination offers a more efficient way to paginate large datasets, especially when dealing with real-time data. This tutorial explores how to implement cursor-based pagination in Symfony using Doctrine.

Introduction to Cursor-based Pagination

Unlike offset-based pagination, which skips a certain number of records, cursor-based pagination works by pointing to a specific record and fetching a set of records starting from that cursor. This method is highly efficient and consistent, especially for real-time data and large datasets, as it doesn’t suffer from the same problems as offset pagination, such as duplication of records or missing out on records when new data is inserted into the dataset.

Getting Started

Before diving into the implementation, make sure you have Symfony and Doctrine installed in your project. If not, see the following tutorials first: How to set up and configure Symfony.

Basic Cursor-based Pagination Implementation

Let’s start with a simple example. Assume we have a Product entity and we want to paginate through products. The first step is to define a cursor. In this case, we use the product’s ID as the cursor.

// In your ProductRepository.php
public function findProductsAfterCursor(int $cursorId = 0, int $limit = 10)
    $qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('p')
        ->where(' > :cursor')
        ->setParameter('cursor', $cursorId)
        ->orderBy('', 'ASC')
    return $qb->getQuery()->getResult();

This function fetches products where the ID is greater than the cursor ID, ordered by ID, and limited to a specific number of results.

Implementing Next Cursor

For a seamless pagination experience, you should provide a way to fetch the next set of records. This involves passing the last product’s ID of the current fetch as the next cursor. Here’s how you can do it:

// After fetching the current set of products
$lastProduct = end($products);
$nextCursor = $lastProduct->getId();

By providing the next cursor with each fetch, users can easily navigate through the dataset.

Advanced Strategies

While the basic implementation is straightforward, several advanced strategies can enhance your pagination:

  • Dynamic Sorting: Implement dynamic sorting to allow users to paginate through data in a sequence other than the default.
  • Filtering: Integrate filtering options to let users paginate through a filtered set of data.
  • Performance Optimization: Use indexes on the cursor column to optimize query performance.

Example with Dynamic Sorting

Let’s refine our pagination by allowing dynamic sorting. You might want to let the user sort by price, in which case the cursor logic needs to be adjusted accordingly.

// Assume added functionality for sorting by price
class ProductRepository extends ServiceEntityRepository
    public function findProductsAfterCursorByPrice(int $cursorPrice = 0, string $sortDirection = 'ASC', int $limit = 10)
        $qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('p')
            ->where('p.price > :cursorPrice')
            ->setParameter('cursorPrice', $cursorPrice)
            ->orderBy('p.price', $sortDirection)

        return $qb->getQuery()->getResult();

Notice how the function now accounts for the price as a cursor and includes a parameter for sorting direction.

Optimizing Performance with Indexes

For cursor-based pagination to be efficient, it’s crucial to have indexes on columns used as cursors. For example, if you’re using the product’s ID or price as a cursor, make sure these columns are indexed. This significantly speeds up query performance by reducing the time it takes to find the cursor starting point.


Cursor-based pagination in Symfony with Doctrine offers a robust solution for handling large datasets and real-time data pagination needs. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can efficiently implement cursor-based pagination in your Symfony projects. Remember to consider dynamic sorting and filtering for a more versatile implementation and to index your cursor columns for optimal performance.