Laravel QueryBuilder vs Eloquent ORM: Which to use?

Updated: January 17, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Laravel, a sophisticated PHP framework, provides two primary ways of interacting with databases: QueryBuilder and Eloquent ORM. This article unpacks the strengths and limitations of both to help you make an informed decision on which to use in your projects.

Introduction to Laravel Database Interaction

Laravel offers a rich set of functionalities for database interactions. While Eloquent ORM is an Object-Relational Mapper that ensures an active record implementation, QueryBuilder provides a more direct approach to working with databases through fluent SQL-like syntax. Each method has its own use cases, and understanding when to use one over the other is key to writing clean and efficient Laravel applications.

Understanding QueryBuilder

QueryBuilder in Laravel provides a convenient, fluent interface to creating and running database queries. It can be accessed through the DB facade, which helps in writing database queries using a simple syntax. Here is a basic example:

DB::table('users')->where('votes', '>', 100)->get(); 

This code snippet retrieves all users with more than 100 votes from the ‘users’ table. QueryBuilder is particularly useful for complex queries that Eloquent might not handle as gracefully or when working with multiple database connections dynamically.

Getting to Know Eloquent ORM

Eloquent, Laravel’s implementation of the Active Record pattern, allows for an expressive syntax that ties in neatly with the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture of Laravel. It works by mapping model classes to database tables, providing an object-based approach to interacting with data. Here’s a snippet to accomplish the same task as above using Eloquent:

use App\Models\User; 
$users = User::where('votes', '>', 100)->get(); 

Eloquent’s approach leads to cleaner code, easy relationships management, and potentially less SQL knowledge required. However, it can introduce an overhead that’s unideal for high-performance requirements.

Pros and Cons of QueryBuilder

Now let’s delve deeper into the advantages and disadvantages of using QueryBuilder:

  • Performance: QueryBuilder is generally faster since it doesn’t require the overhead of model instantiation.
  • Control: It provides you more control over your SQL queries and can be easier to use for database management tasks.
  • Limited Higher-Level Abstractions: Unlike Eloquent, it doesn’t automatically handle relationships between tables.

On the flip side, QueryBuilder can make your codebase more verbose and harder to maintain, particularly for complex queries and data models.

Advantages and Downsides of Eloquent ORM

Below are several reasons why developers prefer Eloquent:

  • Syntactic Sugar: Eloquent’s ORM provides a more readable syntax and easy interactions with nested relationships.
  • Automated Features: Features such as soft-deletes, timestamps, and model events can save a substantial amount of development time.
  • Mass Assignment Protection: Eloquent shields you from mass-assignment vulnerabilities inherently through guard properties.

However, Eloquent can be overkill for simple projects, and its abstraction can sometimes obscure what’s happening at the database level. This potentially impacts the performance on large datasets and could lead to controversial practices like the infamous N + 1 query problem.

Practical Scenarios for Choosing Between QueryBuilder and Eloquent

When dealing with simple CRUD applications with a strong database-oriented approach, QueryBuilder is a sound choice. It’s also a fit for legacy projects where the use of Active Record based ORM is not ideal. For complex applications involving a lot of data manipulation and relationships between entities, Eloquent is a savior. Especially when it comes to writing less boilerplate and creating readable and maintainable code.

Examples of QueryBuilder and Eloquent in Action

Let’s look at some examples where we must choose between QueryBuilder and Eloquent.

Batch Updates

Using Query Builder:

    ->where('active', 1)
    ->update(['status' => 'confirmed']);

Using Eloquent:

User::where('active', 1)
    ->update(['status' => 'confirmed']);

For a simple batch update like this, both Eloquent and QueryBuilder perform equally well in terms of readability and performance.

Advanced Joins

Using Query Builder:

$results = DB::table('users')
    ->join('contacts', '', '=', 'contacts.user_id')
    ->join('orders', '', '=', 'orders.user_id')
    ->select('users.*', '', 'orders.price')

Using Eloquent:

$user = User::with(['contacts', 'orders'])->find(1);

In cases like advanced joins, QueryBuilder could be more efficient than Eloquent as it allows more control over the selected columns and join operations.


To summarize, the choice between QueryBuilder and Eloquent depends largely on the requirements and scope of your project. Eloquent excels in readability and ease of maintenance, while QueryBuilder offers performance and fine-grained control. A good Laravel developer should be comfortable with both, understanding when to employ each to take full advantage of Laravel’s robust database handling capabilities. It’s not always a black-and-white choice, and sometimes using them in tandem can bring the best of both worlds – just ensure to balance readability, maintenance, and performance effectively.