Laravel Blade: How to access data in a parent view

Updated: January 18, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Laravel Blade is a powerful templating engine provided with Laravel, the popular PHP framework. This engine allows developers to seamlessly blend PHP code with HTML, making it easier to generate dynamic content for web applications. A common requirement when using Laravel Blade is the ability to access data in a parent view from a child view, such as when using layouts and components.

This article will provide a step-by-step guide on how to access data in a parent view within Laravel Blade templates. We’ll start with the basics of Blade templating and gradually move on to more advanced techniques. We’ll also include several code examples to help solidify your understanding.

Understanding Blade Views and Data Sharing

In Laravel, a “view” consists of the HTML served by your application. Views can inherit data from the controllers that call them or directly from routes. Additionally, Blade views can be organized into a hierarchical layout where child views extend from parent views using directives such as @extends and @include.

Data is often shared with views using the view method provided by controllers or routes. For example:

$data = ['key' => 'value'];
return view('', compact('data'));

In the above example, an array of data is passed to the view. The compact function quickly generates an array using variable names as keys.

Extending a Parent View

Sub-views, or “child views”, can extend a layout using the @extends Blade directive. This sets up a relationship where the child view can insert content into the parent layout.

// resources/views/layouts/master.blade.php

// resources/views/page.blade.php

  // your content here

In the example above, the page.blade.php view extends the master.blade.php layout and injects its content into the @yield('content') section of the parent.

Passing Data to Layouts

Any data available to the child view is automatically available to the layout it extends. However, data must first be passed down from the controller to the view:

public function show($id)
  $item = Item::findOrFail($id);
  return view('', compact('item'));

In this scenario, the item variable is accessible not just in the view but also in the layouts.master layout since extends it.

Using Components and Slots

Introduced in Laravel 5.4, components and slots provide a way to assemble views from different pieces, improving reusability. The @component directive creates a component, which can include a @slot directive to designate areas for dynamic content.

// resources/views/components/alert.blade.php
<div class="alert alert-{{ $type }}>
  {{ $slot }}

A parent view can use a component and pass data to it:

@component('components.alert', ['type' => 'danger'])
  There was a problem with your input.

Here, the type variable is passed from the parent view to the component, and the content within is passed to the $slot.

Sharing Data Across All Views

Sometimes you might want to share data across all views within your application without manually passing the data each time. Laravel provides a convenient way to do this using the view()->share() method.

// AppServiceProvider.php
public function boot()
  view()->share('key', 'value');

Once the data is shared in this manner, it will be available in every view rendered by the application, which includes the parent layouts, child views, and components.

Using View Composers

View composers are callbacks or class methods that are called when a view is rendered. If you have data that you want to bind to a view each time that view is rendered, you might want to use a view composer to organize your logic in a single location.

view()->composer('*', function ($view) {
    $view->with('sharedData', 'This is shared data for every view.');

This example uses a view composer to share data with every view rendered by the application. The asterisk means that the composer will be called for all views.


In summary, sharing and accessing data in parent and child views is simple yet a powerful feature provided by Laravel Blade. Whether you want to share data directly when returning a view from a controller, use components and slots for more modular templates, utilize the global data sharing with view()->share(), or take advantage of view composers, Laravel offers a variety of tools at your disposal.

By understanding these concepts, you’ll be better equipped to manage data flow in your applications, leading to cleaner, maintainable, and scalable code. Always be sure to read the Laravel documentation for the latest functionalities and updates to the Blade templating engine.