How to Clear/Empty an Array in PHP (5 Approaches)

Updated: January 11, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Arrays are fundamental structures in any programming language, and PHP is no exception. They play a critical role in storing and managing collections of data. However, there are instances when developers need to clear or empty an array for various reasons such as resetting a game board, clearing session data, or simply reinitializing data structures for reuse in loops. In this tutorial, we will explore different ways to clear or empty an array in PHP in-depth.

Understanding Arrays in PHP

Before we dive into the actions of clearing an array, it’s important to understand what an array is in the context of PHP. An array is a data structure that allows you to store multiple values in a single variable. PHP provides indexed arrays, associative arrays, and multidimensional arrays, each serving different purposes according to the different ways they manage the stored information.

Method 1: Assigning a New Empty Array

The simplest approach to clearing an array is by assigning it a new, empty array. This can be done using the following syntax:

$array = array();
// or
$array = [];

By reassigning the variable $array, the original array content will be replaced with a new empty array. This method is effective and straightforward, allowing garbage collection processes to clean up any referenced memory.

Method 2: Using the unset Function

The unset function in PHP can also be used to clear an array. When used on a variable, unset will remove that variable from the current scope, essentially deleting it. Here is how to use unset on an array:

$array = [1, 2, 3];
$array = [];

After using unset, if we plan to reuse the array, we need to re-declare it as empty. If we do not re-declare it, any attempt to use the variable will result in a notice of an undefined variable.

Method 3: Setting the Length of an Array to Zero

PHP does not directly use the concept of the length of an array like in JavaScript, but it is still possible to manipulate and count elements. An indirect method involves using array_splice to remove all elements.

$array = [1, 2, 3];
array_splice($array, 0);

This will remove all elements from the original array.

Method 4: Using array_pop or array_shift

Using array_pop to remove the last element or array_shift to remove the first element of the array in a loop until the array is empty can also work but is generally inefficient compared to reassignment or using unset.

while(count($array) > 0) {


while(count($array) > 0) {

This might serve a purpose if you need to execute logic on each discarded element; however, it’s much slower on large arrays compared to the other methods demonstrated.

Method 5: Using the array_filter Function Without a Callback

A less conventional method, useful in scenarios where one wants to clear an array but also conditionally remove elements, is to use array_filter without providing a callback function:

$array = array_filter($array, function ($value) {
    return false;

Since the callback function always returns false, all elements will be removed.

Performance Considerations

When selecting a method to clear an array, it’s important to consider not just legibility or ease of use, but also performance especially when dealing with large arrays or in performance-critical applications.

Method 1 (reassignment) and Method 2 (using unset) are both immediate and efficient as they simply modify the array variable. Be cautious with methods that require iteration such as array_pop and array_shift, as they have the potential to dramatically decrease performance when used on large datasets.


In conclusion, whether you require clearing an array for resetting program state or reinitializing data, PHP offers several ways to perform this operation. The choice of method may depend on coding style preferences, performance requirements, or specific constraints within your application’s logic. Through this guide, you should now be able to wisely choose and implement the most suitable approach to clearing an array in your next PHP project.